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Privileged Account Management, Social Employee Apps, Mobility Management, SharePoint, and Network Visibility.
Welcome to the VoicesOn Friday Roundup. This week, we bring you white papers on Privileged Account Management, Social Employee Apps, Mobility Management, SharePoint, and Network Visibility.
Protect Your Private Data with Privileged Account Management
The headlines tell the tale. Some of the world's best known enterprises are falling victim to cyber attacks. New types of security threats allow hackers, malware and malicious insiders to exploit insecure privileged accounts and gain access to an organization's most sensitive data. Fortunately, Lieberman Software offers a solution today that helps secure unmanaged privileged accounts in your datacenter and prevent data breaches. Watch how we do it in this brief two minute video.
The Emerging Role of Social Employee Apps
As a result of IT departments struggling to adapt to new economic realities and a rapidly changing technology environment, a new applications layer is being developed - the social employee application layer. Find out more now!
Enterprise Mobility Management, How to Ensure Optimal End User Experience
Are you currently in the process of making line-of-business applications accessible from mobile devices or do you have plans to deploy custom mobile applications in the near future? "The Rise of the Mobile Workforce: Gain Control of End User Experience" will provide you and your team with the use cases, insight, and best practices you need for gaining control of end user experience of mobile applications.
Improve Your Content Management, Process Integration, Archiving and Governance with SharePoint
A proven, powerful tool for collaboration and content management, SharePoint is a fixture in the IT architectures of many organizations. But even those that have employed SharePoint for years often do not fully understand the application's true potential-or how effective, enterprise-wide application integration can significantly increase business value.
A new visibility architecture for high-speed networks
Getting real visibility into 10Gbps networks for trouble shooting, optimization and forensics is hard. In this whitepaper learn how a 100% accurate network monitoring and recording fabric can give you the application-level visibility you need to reduce MTTR and improve network uptime.
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