EU regulators side with Microsoft in IE10's 'Do Not Track' controversy | Mozilla's new silent update fails to boost Firefox 13's uptake | ||||||||||
Computerworld First Look | ||||||||||
Data center fabrics catching on, slowly WHITE PAPER: Kodak An interactive eGuide: Healthcare IT In this eGuide, Computerworld along with sister publications CIO, InfoWorld, and CSO, examine some of the most pressing issues facing healthcare IT today. Read on to learn what factors are driving change, and how healthcare IT leaders should go about dealing with these forces. Learn More In this Issue
WHITE PAPER: IBM The Myths and Realities of Cloud This Knowledge Vault lays out just what the myths and realities of cloud are today while offering practical advice on selecting a dedicated cloud partner. Learn More EU regulators side with Microsoft in IE10's 'Do Not Track' controversy Mozilla's new silent update fails to boost Firefox 13's uptake How Alan Turing set the rules for computing Five things to look forward to in Apple's iOS 6 US judge dismisses Apple patents lawsuit against Motorola Elgan: Siri, how do I feel? RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: EMC Transform End User Computing Turn to EMC to bring new simplicity, power, and efficiency to end user computing-any user, any device, anywhere. Click to continue Group questions Google government contract claims Preston Gralla: Why Microsoft shouldn't build its own Windows Phones Patrick Thibodeau: Symantec revises panicky crash notice Jonny Evans: RIM abandons BlackBerry, industry awaits Apple iPhone 5 effect Mid-2012 MacBook Airs offer improved performance and connectivity Project management software smackdown Richi Jennings: Asus Transformer Pad Infinity TF-700-T: Review roundup (and release date) | ||||||||||
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PREMIER 100 -- CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Seeking the very best IT leaders! Now's your chance to nominate a worthy CIO or other top IT executive for the 2013 Premier 100 IT Leaders awards. Computerworld has launched its annual search for technology professionals who have demonstrated leadership in their organizations through the use of information technology and have the strategic vision to align IT with business goals. Nominations are being collected now through August 29, 2012. SHARK TANK OF THE DAY Flashback to the days when this pilot fish is working in a Navy office that has just received a new wide-carriage, high-speed dot-matrix printer called a "Sprinter" -- a name that turns out to be very apt. CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL Apple has little to worry about from Microsoft's tradition-breaking move to sell its own tablets, analysts say. What do you think? COMPUTERWORLD'S IT SALARY SURVEY 2012 A majority of IT workers say they're under pressure to increase productivity and take on new tasks. But the vast majority are still happy they picked IT as their career. NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | ||||||||||
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