Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Apple's enterprise partnerships, big and small, start to pay off

How to embrace the benefits of shadow IT

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CIO Enterprise

Jun 08, 2016
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Apple's enterprise partnerships, big and small, start to pay off

Apple is slowly strengthening its foothold in the enterprise through a series of partnerships with established providers of business services, large and small. Here's a breakdown of what's working, from the perspective of Apple's leading business partners, as well as how the pacts benefit CIOs. Read More

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How to embrace the benefits of shadow IT
SS8 makes enterprise version of traffic-analysis platform designed for intelligence agencies
Infrastructure monitoring products: Users pinpoint the best and worst features
3 warning signs for a 'never-ending' ERP project
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Open source and IoT: A match made for the enterprise
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Egnyte wants to protect business data, wherever it's stored

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Enabling Transformation to a Digital Enterprise

As enterprise organizations move to adopt digitization, leveraging technologies of the Third Platform, the impact on enterprise networks will be profound as they contend with balancing business and technology forces. More importantly enterprises have concerns with supporting and managing new architectural models and operating practices that new IT workloads require. Read More

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How to embrace the benefits of shadow IT

By making shadow IT a bad word, CIOs are ignoring the benefits of what are business-aligned systems and missing an opportunity to build a cohesive strategy and governance system that includes all the technology systems in an enterprise. Here's how to better identify, manage and take advantage of business-procured IT. Read More

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SS8 makes enterprise version of traffic-analysis platform designed for intelligence agencies

SS8 built its network traffic-inspection and analysis platform as a tool for intelligence agencies to discover communications among criminals and terrorists but now has scaled it back for enterprises to stop data breaches. Read More

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Infrastructure monitoring products: Users pinpoint the best and worst features

Monitoring software for servers, networks and applications is supposed to help IT departments spot problems early and avoid business downtime. At IT Central Station, IT managers provide their peers with insights about the pros and cons of four leading products: CA Unified Infrastructure Management, SevOne, Nagios and Opsview Enterprise. Read More

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3 warning signs for a 'never-ending' ERP project

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementations are never easy. Many projects start with excitement and high levels of participation but quickly devolve into run-on projects with that are over budget and rife with change orders. Team members are deflated and often feel as if the project will be never-ending. Steering Committee Apathy, Out of Date Project Plans and Inconsistent Issue Tracking and Status Reporting are three warning signs that an ERP project is starting to spin out of control. Addressing them quickly helps avoid going through a project recovery cycle. Read More

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Why legal departments begrudge the cloud

Legal professionals are by their nature a skeptical and cautious lot, but the sharp rise in cloud-based applications being used by enterprises and law firms, as well as recent high-profile law firm security breaches, has many legal professionals reticent about entering cloud engagements. Read More

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Open source and IoT: A match made for the enterprise

Open source IoT platforms are starting to emerge as an attractive options for organizations embarking in the IoT journey. In an extremely nascent and crowded market like enterprise IoT, organizations are trying to rely more and more on open platforms and control their own destiny. Although we are still in the first generation of open source IoT technologies we can already see how this model can become dominant in the enterprise. Read More

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How software drives innovation and enables digital business

Software is the real champion, driving value in enterprise systems, transforming businesses into digital players and differentiating one gadget from another. Read More

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Egnyte wants to protect business data, wherever it's stored

Egnyte, an enterprise-focused file sync and sharing startup, is expanding beyond its roots in holding onto companies' data for them, and now aims to protect any data a company has, no matter where it's stored. Read More

eGuide: Ping Identity

Customer Engagement Buyer's Guide

Delivering a seamless customer experience is imperative or you risk customers abandoning transactions and moving to the competition. Let guide helps define the right consumer identity and access management solution for your organization Read More

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Every developer will have their share of missteps in a career but why not learn from others' experience -- and avoid the costliest errors?

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 5:00 AM Kategori:


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