Thursday, June 14, 2012

Berners-Lee talks up online friends and a social Web

  Users give Facebook's privacy changes a thumbs down | Spammers tune their game to stay ahead of filters and law enforcement
  Computerworld Web Site Management

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Berners-Lee talks up online friends and a social Web
The man who invented the World Wide Web says that the technology is all about being social, so people need to use it stretch themselves and the boundaries of their own personal networks. Read More


Evolve Customer Care with Collaboration
Using collaboration technology to improve customer service gives your company an opportunity to evolve beyond traditional service models to create better customer relationships. While the telephone will always be an option, many customers want experiences where chat, social media, video and self-service are also part of the norm. Download a new white paper from ZK Research to learn how using collaboration technology can help your organization improve customer responsiveness and provide customers with self-service offerings, leading to greater loyalty.


Final Week to Register!
IT Roadmap only comes to Denver once a year so don't miss this opportunity to join hundreds of local colleagues who will gain a year's worth of enterprise-ready ideas, answers, best practices, and key contacts all in one day – in one place. Attend Free. IT Roadmap Denver – 6/20 - Colorado Convention Center.

Users give Facebook's privacy changes a thumbs down
Voting on Facebook's proposed changes to its privacy policy concluded Friday morning Pacific time, with voters delivering a strong rebuke of the proposed changes but falling far short of the turnout the company required to consider the vote binding. Read More

Spammers tune their game to stay ahead of filters and law enforcement
When Microsoft slayed the notorious botnet Rustock, which had been sending as much as 40 percent of all spam worldwide, in March 2011, it forced the volume of spam into a decline from which it has never fully recovered. Read More

Google beefs up Apps to comply with EU data protection rules
Google will now include additional provisions in its Apps sales contracts with E.U. customers to offer more assurances about the data they store in Google data centers. Read More

Hackers crack more than 60% of breached LinkedIn passwords
More than 60% of the unique hashed passwords that were accessed by hackers from a LinkedIn password database and posted online this week have already been cracked, according to security firm Sophos. Read More


The Promises and Pitfalls of BYOD
Bring-Your-Own-Device: It's a growing trend that offers many benefits for employees and companies - and potential headaches for IT. Having the right security measures in place can safely enable BYOD while boosting productivity and cutting support and equipment costs. Read now.

Complexities could lead to cloud 'meltdowns,' researcher says
As the use of cloud computing becomes more and more mainstream, serious operational "meltdowns" could arise as end-users and vendors mix, match and bundle services for various means, a researcher argues in a new paper set for discussion next week at the USENIX HotCloud '12 conference in Boston. Read More

If Megaupload users want their data, they're going to have to pay
U.S. federal prosecutors are fine with Megaupload users recovering their data -- as long as they pay for it. Read More

Google+ looks poised to roll out social ads
Google may soon bring business-to-business "social ads" to its Google+ social networking platform, according to a recent job listing for a product marketing manager for social ads launch marketing. Read More

Facebook, Twitter, Google, AOL join alliance to fight 'bad ads'
Facebook, Google, Twitter, and AOL have joined an alliance set up to counter "bad ads," including those that deliver malware, direct users to scams, or try to sell counterfeit goods, said StopBadware, the promoters of the alliance. Read More

Richi Jennings: dot-WOW: 'Greedy' ICANN $352M TLD landgrab windfall
ICANN can now allocate new top-level domain names (TLDs). It's announced the list of new "Internet suffixes" applied for in its much-delayed process. And there are some surprising entries. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers boggle at ICANN's $352 million application fee windfall. Read More



Thoroughly tested

This pilot fish is responsible for maintaining an application for a big software vendor, and after a recompile discovers a problem in the compiled code. But wasn't this compiler tested?


The sophisticated cyber espionage malware known as 'Flame' was discovered after computers within Iran's energy industry were wiped clean of data. Does the Flame malware increase the odds of a cyberwar?


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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 6:07 AM Kategori:


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