Tuesday, May 7, 2024

A Simple Trick to Unlocking Old Memories

While milestones remain firmly enshrined in our memories, it can be surprisingly difficult to hold onto the precious moments that pass by quickly and quietly. Luckily, the tiny moments in your life can be recalled with a very simple aid: your sense of smell. Here's how to use this clever trick to relive some of your formative years.

May 07, 2024

A Simple Trick to Unlocking Old Memories
While milestones remain firmly enshrined in our memories, it can be surprisingly difficult to hold onto the precious moments that pass by quickly and quietly. Luckily, the tiny moments in your life can be recalled with a very simple aid: your sense of smell. Here's how to use this clever trick to relive some of your formative years.
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Should You Floss Before or After You Brush Your Teeth?
Flossing is critical to good dental hygiene, preventing problems such as gum disease, cavities, and infections. But many people floss less frequently than they'd care to admit, and even those who do it regularly may not know the proper way to floss. While you probably do know when you should brush your teeth, where does flossing fit into your day?
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This Trick Will Save Your Favorite Plant
Once reserved for the wealthy or attentive collector, orchids are now priced within reach of the casual shopper. While some people might regard a $9.99 orchid as a disposable plant, just a few steps above a bouquet of cut blooms that last a fraction of the time, others know that with a bit of thought and care, an orchid can become a permanent part of a home garden. But — let's be honest — these stubborn plants are a pain to care for. Too much water and they die; not enough and they also die. But we're here to help. Here is everything you need to know about the fickle plant and how to care for it to ensure it reblooms.
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The Secret Airline Perks Nobody Knows About — and How to Get Them
Air travel can be a hassle — large crowds, slow security lines, and frequent delays often make flying a less-than-pleasurable experience. However, air travel doesn't have to feel like an inconvenience. While it's easy to focus on the negatives of flying, there are more perks available to the average flier than ever before — and no big miles card is necessary to enjoy them.
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Do You Really Need to Buy Travel Insurance?
Your flights and hotel are booked. Your itinerary is solidified. Your next big trip is right around the corner. But as you count down the days, you can't help but think, should I get travel insurance? After all, a vacation is a significant expense, and what happens if you have an emergency and have to cancel?
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