Thursday, May 30, 2024

Do You Still Need to Wash Pre-Washed Produce?

There are few meals more healthy and delicious than a crisp, homemade salad — and you don't have to be a professional chef to put one together. Pre-washed bags of leafy greens and salad kits make preparation easier than ever.

May 30, 2024

Do You Still Need to Wash Pre-Washed Produce?
There are few meals more healthy and delicious than a crisp, homemade salad — and you don't have to be a professional chef to put one together. Pre-washed bags of leafy greens and salad kits make preparation easier than ever. Still, contaminated food recalls cast doubt on whether those factory-rinsed fruits and vegetables are clean enough to eat straight out of the bag. So can you trust the pre-washing, or should you still wash it yourself at home?
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The 10 Dirtiest Places in Your House — and How to Clean Them
Nothing is better than feeling a sense of accomplishment after scrubbing your home from top to bottom — the floors sparkle, the furniture is dust-free, and the water stains on your shower are gone. But there are spots in every home that are often neglected during a cleaning session and become intimidating collections of dust, dirt, and grime. Don't worry — once you know about these 10 dirtiest spots in your home, you'll find them easy to take care of.
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25 Clever Kitchen Gadgets You Never Knew You Needed
They say a craftsman is only as good as his tools. If that's the case, you're about to become Gordon Ramsey by the end of this article (minus the temper tantrums, we hope). The ingenious kitchen gadgets below will transform your home cooking skills, improve your dishes, and save you time and effort. They'll also make cooking a lot more fun.
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Is It Safe to Refreeze Food After Defrosting?
It's not uncommon to have questions about food safety when it comes to freezing. Most raw and cooked foods can safely spend time in a freezer, but how to safely defrost — and even refreeze — food is a trickier question.
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Is It Possible to Sleep Too Much?
There's nothing more satisfying than a good night's sleep. But is it possible to have too much of a good thing? In short, yes. Experts suggest that adults should sleep between seven and nine hours each night. Sleeping more than nine hours is considered too much and may cause health problems down the line — and, ironically, can leave you feeling more tired than before.
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