Monday, February 2, 2015

Microsoft talks up Windows 10 for business, but questions mount

Microsoft to business: Don't worry about Windows 10, consumers will test it | Microsoft updates cloud-based SQL Server to ease management

Computerworld Microsoft

Microsoft talks up Windows 10 for business, but questions mount
Microsoft has dribbled out a bit more information about how enterprises will be able to deploy and update Windows 10, answering some questions but leaving analysts asking more. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Riverbed Technology

Getting Branch Office Consolidation Right
New survey results from Forrester Consulting on consolidating branch offices are now available. Read: - Best practices in the face of more users, services, and devices - Consolidating beyond just servers - The importance of deploying advanced WAN optimization Learn more >>

WHITE PAPER: Riverbed Technology

Eliminating the Challenge of Branch Office Recovery
In today's global economy, companies are increasingly distributed. That puts IT in a precarious position, especially when it comes to disaster recovery. Branch converged infrastructure delivers local performance, stores data safely in the datacenter, and enables instant recovery. Learn how to recover faster, reduce risk, and save money. Learn more >>

Microsoft to business: Don't worry about Windows 10, consumers will test it
Microsoft on Friday said consumers would become coal mine canaries who turn up bugs and problems in each Windows 10 update months before businesses have to commit to the fixes. Read More

Microsoft updates cloud-based SQL Server to ease management
Microsoft has added automated backup and patching for SQL Server databases running in virtual machines on its Azure cloud, in a bid to simplify management and improve reliability. As enterprises move more and larger IT systems to the cloud, advanced management functionality is becoming increasingly important to keep systems up and costs down. And step by step, service providers like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft are adding new features to streamline management processes. The latest improvements from Microsoft are aimed at keeping SQL Server backed up and secure in a more convenient way when running the database in virtual machines on Azure.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here Read More

WHITE PAPER: Hitachi Data Systems

Align IT with Business for Competitive Edge
Learn what IT professionals recently surveyed by IDG Research had to say about the progress they're making in integrating IT and business. View more

Microsoft's real-time processing engine boosts Bing, Azure services
A streaming analytics engine developed by Microsoft Research is giving advertisers on the company's Bing Web search service more timely analysis on how their ad campaigns are faring, according to the company. The streaming analytics engine, called Trill, can process data at two to four orders of magnitude faster than today's typical streaming engines, Microsoft said. The company plans to expand its use to other Microsoft computing services as well. Trill functionality could be of interest to companies looking to analyze their data as it is streamed in from a live source, such as a social networking feed or live sensor data. Trill could compete with a new crop of open source stream processing engines built for these kinds of tasks, such as Apache Storm -- which was created by Twitter -- and Apache Spark.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here Read More

Windows 10 deep-dive review: Finally, a unified operating system
The January 2015 technical preview of Microsoft's upcoming Windows 10 OS offers a more natural interface, a cool digital assistant and lots of potential. Read More

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 7:54 AM Kategori:


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