Monday, February 2, 2015

Why Apple Watch may mean lower cost iPhones

Apple ships iTunes 12.1: What you need to know | Best office apps for Android, round 2

Computerworld Operating Systems

Why Apple Watch may mean lower cost iPhones
The Apple Watch isn't the end of things being interesting. It's the beginning of much, much more. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Riverbed Technology

Securing Edge Data at the Center
Data in branch and remote offices is subject to many threats. Data centers are built to secure data, but remote offices lack the same level defenses. It's now possible to eliminate the risks of branch office IT, consolidating servers and storage into the datacenter without sacrificing the benefits of having servers at the edge close to users. Learn more >>

WHITE PAPER: Riverbed Technology

Data Center Transformation and Its Impact on the Branch
Despite tighter budgets driven by the fragile economy, IT departments remain under intense pressure to deliver additional and higher-performance computing, network and application services worldwide. Learn more >>

Apple ships iTunes 12.1: What you need to know
Apple has introduced iTunes 12.1, bringing a handy Notifications Center widget and some additional slight improvements to the software. Read More

Best office apps for Android, round 2
With five Android office suites already duking it out, Microsoft Office jumps into the fray. Find out if it triumphs — or flails. Read More

Warning: #AppleWatch April likely US first
"We haven't announced which countries will launch in April yet." Read More

: Riverbed Technology

Riverbed Case Study: Manufacturing Productivity
Read how Siemens Indonesia improves manufacturing productivity, simplifies and reduces costs, by consolidating infrastructure in the datacenter. Learn more >>

Google Now adds data from Lyft, Airbnb and other apps
Google Now has added data from dozens of outside apps to help people get more things done. Read More

Google Glass holds promise but requires a 'reset'
Google Glass failed to meet goals set by the search giant, causing the company to halt the program and rethink its strategy for the wearable device.That candid assessment was made by Google Chief Financial Officer Patrick Pichette during the company's 2014 fourth-quarter earnings call on Thursday.All projects must reach predetermined goals in order for Google to provide additional capital, Pichette said. Projects that fail to meet those marks but have the potential for success, like Glass, are suspended and reworked."When the teams aren't able to hit hurdles, but we think there [is] still a lot of promise, we might ask them to take a pause and take the time to reset their strategies, as we recently did in the case of Glass," Pichette said.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here Read More

Android apostates account for 1-in-5 U.S. iPhone sales
Apple CEO Tim Cook may have tapped Android "switchers" as part of the reason for the boffo iPhone sales last quarter, but a survey implied that most of those defectors lived outside the U.S. Read More

Apple and Samsung now neck-and-neck after monster quarter
The huge popularity of the new iPhone 6 pushed Apple and Samsung closer than ever at the top of the market for smartphones. Read More

Digital Spotlight: Mobile Security

Read how to make your workers smart about mobile security by moving beyond policies and penalties and embracing an approach designed to identify and correct specific problem behaviors.

View the Digital Spotlight now. [Registration required]

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To read the issue, click here.

Free Shark Tank T-shirt
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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 7:48 AM Kategori:


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