Monday, February 2, 2015

Apple puts the big hurt on Samsung

7 smartphone rules changes that benefit users | Microsoft to business: Don't worry about Windows 10, consumers will test it

Computerworld Mobile/Wireless Computing

Apple puts the big hurt on Samsung
Things are not looking so good for Samsung in the smartphone market, especially as it faces its Apple nemesis. Read More


Re-Evaluating the Role of "Traditional" Audio Conferencing
The audio conferencing market is changing and buyers are starting to move from traditional audio conference providers to integrated audio and web conferencing solutions. Learn More>>

WHITE PAPER: Riverbed Technology

Edge Consolidation Delivers Peace of Mind for IT
As organizations consolidate backup and disaster recovery operations, WAN optimization plays a key role in mitigating risk without sacrificing performance. Discover a new architectural approach that extends the virtual edge of the data center to the branch for complete server and data consolidation without a performance compromise. Learn more >>

7 smartphone rules changes that benefit users
Federal regulators have been throwing their weight around lately, and mostly to good effect for consumers and users of mobile technology. The net effect of their recent activism adds up to a whole new set of rules and protections for all of us. Read More

Microsoft to business: Don't worry about Windows 10, consumers will test it
Microsoft said consumers would become coal mine canaries who turn up bugs and problems in each Windows 10 update months before businesses have to commit to the fixes. Read More

Best office apps for Android, round 2
With five Android office suites already duking it out, Microsoft Office jumps into the fray. Find out if it triumphs — or flails. Read More

AT&T to pay $18.2B as top bidder in mobile spectrum auction
AT&T spent nearly $18.2 billion on wireless spectrum licenses in a blockbuster mobile-auction spectrum for licenses across the U.S. Read More

: Riverbed Technology

Transforming Remote Site IT Infrastructure
Bill Barrett Corporation is an oil and natural gas exploration and development company whose remote sites needed a hardware refresh. Instead of a costly, traditional half-rack solution, Riverbed SteelFusion appliances provided a much simpler and more cost-effective solution. Learn more >>

Android apostates account for 1-in-5 U.S. iPhone sales
Apple CEO Tim Cook may have tapped Android "switchers" as part of the reason for the boffo iPhone sales last quarter, but a survey implied that most of those defectors lived outside the U.S. Read More

Verizon to allow opt-out from mobile 'supercookies'
Verizon will soon allow customers to opt out of having an identifier placed on their phones that had alarmed privacy advocates due to its ability to let third parties persistently track customers. Read More

Google Now adds data from Lyft, Airbnb and other apps
Google Now has added data from dozens of outside apps to help people get more things done. Read More

Facebook tests delivering tips about your location
Facebook is getting closer to territory occupied by Yelp and Foursquare by testing a new service that will provide users with recommendations about their locations. Read More

Digital Spotlight: Mobile Security

Read how to make your workers smart about mobile security by moving beyond policies and penalties and embracing an approach designed to identify and correct specific problem behaviors.

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 8:10 AM Kategori:


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