Thursday, September 12, 2024

Word of the Day: Viridescent

Can you pronounce viridescent?
Word Daily
Thursday, September 12, 2024
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adjective 1. Greenish or becoming green.
Play Button "The viridescent trails of ivy climbed the sides of the old house."
Play Button "She chose wallpaper in viridescent shades to reflect the meadow outside the windows."
Play Button "The garden was viridescent with new shoots in the vegetable garden."
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Latin, mid-19th century
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Why This Word?
"Viridescent" is an adjective you'll likely see only in poetic or literary contexts. It comes directly from the Latin word of the same spelling, meaning "becoming green," from the Latin word for "green," "viridis." ...
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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 3:31 AM Kategori:


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