Dear Pro-Life Friend, With everything at stake for our country, what if I told you the greatest weapon the Pro-Life Movement has right now just might be a movie? A movie that is literally saving lives! A movie called Unplanned. Ever since Unplanned's release in 2019, Students for Life has been screening this groundbreaking pro-life film on hundreds of college campuses every year. The result has been nothing less than miraculous as conversions have skyrocketed once young people see – for the first time – the devastating TRUTH about abortion from someone who's witnessed it firsthand. Now – with the important November elections rapidly approaching – Students for Life Action is launching a massive Abortion Extremism Mobile Billboard Tour where we're screening the movie Unplanned on dozens of college campuses across eight hotly-contested states that WILL decide 2024! But first, will you please sign your NON-INTERFERENCE NOTICE to college administrators in these key Battleground States, cautioning them not to stand in the way and try to force us to cancel our campus screenings of Unplanned? Second, with so much at stake, can I count on you to please agree to help us with this program by sponsoring at least one mile at $3.50 to help Students for Life Action pull this off? If you haven't seen Unplanned, it's the true story of Abby Johnson, who WAS the director of one of Planned Parenthood's largest abortion facilities and suffered two abortions herself . . . But Abby was changed forever when an abortionist asked her to hold an ultrasound probe against a mother's abdomen while he committed an abortion. As Abby watched in horror, ultrasound images showed the fully formed baby fighting for her life as her little body was ripped apart during the abortion. At that moment, all of Planned Parenthood's lies – that abortion is women's "healthcare" and preborn babies are just globs of flesh – went up in smoke for Abby. With the Abortion Lobby counting on the votes of young people to help them RAM through pro-abortion referendums and seize TOTAL control of Washington, D.C. in 2024, young Americans need to see this movie now more than ever. That's why Students for Life Action is pulling out all the stops to hit dozens of college campuses across the following six states before Tuesday, November 5th:
*Abortion ballot referendum states. And to drive down the costs of our Unplanned screenings – and ensure we can reach as many young people on as many Battleground State campuses as possible – we'll be using our video billboard truck to screen the movie. This will ensure we can screen the movie outdoors, avoid the costs of renting rooms and equipment, and reach a wider audience as there won't be a "cap" on how many students can attend based on how large a room is. >>> Sign your NON-INTERFERENCE NOTICE to College Administrators <<<And I estimate we will be driving our billboard truck more than 10,000 miles to make this program a reality. That's why your generosity today – even if you're just chipping in $3.50 to cover one mile – is so very critical. I can promise you it'll be the best $3.50 you ever spent! You see, at each and every screening, we expect to reach and convert hundreds of pro-abortion young people. But we won't just screen the movie, pack up, and leave. Instead, we will also ensure all pro-lifers on these campuses are registered to vote, urge them to join our campus group, have them promise to watch the movie Unplanned with at least one pro-abortion friend, and pledge to "Vote-Pro-Life First" in November. Then, as Election Day nears, we'll contact them again to follow through on their pledges. Frankly, I believe this project could prove to be one of the most critical Students for Life Action has ever conducted. The Democrat Party nominee for President, Vice President Kamala Harris is the most radical pro-abortion candidate for President in history. Of course, the media and big tech will never tell young people any of this. They hide the most radical parts of Kamala Harris' record – just like they hide the TRUTH about abortion from young people. You and I can't allow this to continue! Young people are the demographic Planned Parenthood depends on – not just for their political power, but as customers for their bloody business as well. Nearly 90% of Planned Parenthood facilities are located within walking distance of a college campus! >>> Sign your NON-INTERFERENCE NOTICE to College Administrators <<<Those numbers have Planned Parenthood scared stiff! And as we've seen time and again, the movie Unplanned has proven to be one of the most effective ways to turn young people against abortion. I've personally seen the tear-filled eyes of pro-abortion young people as they've watched this film and come out changed forever. Now, with November right around the corner, I want you to help me inflict a blow on the Abortion Lobby that they'll NEVER recover from. So, can I count on you to sign your NON-INTERFERENCE notice and chip in at least $3.50 to sponsor one mile of this tour? In Battleground States, even the most rabid pro-abortion school administrators try to pull their "funny business" in secret because they care first and foremost about money. They know much of their funding is dependent on bipartisan agreement from state legislators, which could go away if they make enough people angry. So, if I can deliver a flood of these signed NON-INTERFERENCE NOTICES, it will make all the difference. But I hope you won't stop there . . . I hope I can count on your generosity to help me pull off this massive Abortion Extremism Mobile Billboard Tour by agreeing to sponsor a mile by donating $3.50 per mile TODAY! I've budgeted $161,000 for this project – which will allow us to hit all of the largest colleges and universities in each of our eight targeted Battleground States over a seven-week period leading up to Tuesday, November 5th. So, my hope is – in addition to signing your NON-INTERFERENCE NOTICE –that you will agree to sponsor a mile by donating at least $3.50 to help us pull off our Abortion Extremism Mobile Billboard Tour. You and I cannot afford to just simply ignore young people if we hope to abolish abortion and save freedom in our country. Of course, if you can sponsor 5 miles by donating $17.50, or even 3 miles with a $10.50 contribution that would help even more. Unplanned is the most effective weapon we have right now in turning young people against the Abortion Lobby's lies. With everything on the line in November, it's time to use it! For Life, ![]() Kristan Hawkins President, Students for Life Action >>> Sign your NON-INTERFERENCE NOTICE to College Administrators <<<Students for Life Action is a non-profit, tax-exempt advocacy organization under section 501(c)(4) of the IRC. Contributions or gifts to Students for Life Action are not tax deductible for IRS purposes; they do, however, avoid recognition of gain on appreciated assets. Students for Life Action's mailing address is 600 Princess Anne St #7667, Fredericksburg, VA 22401. Any donations raised above or short of the goal will be used in the next area of greatest need towards our mission, as determined by the organization. You are receiving this sponsored promotion as part of your free subscription to Prophecy News Watch ( Partner sponsors help keep Prophecy News Watch free of charge. Please contact the sponsor directly for more information on the content of this email. |
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