Monday, September 23, 2024

New Law Puts Christian Retirements at Risk—Act Now ​     

The first phase is already in motion. Protect your nest egg before the government takes over.

New Law Puts Christian Retirements at Risk—Act Now

The freedom to manage your own money—a gift from God—could soon be stripped away.

Executive Order 14067 is a direct threat to your financial security. With a government-controlled digital currency, they'll be able to:

  • Track every dollar you spend

  • Control your retirement accounts

  • Dictate where and how you use your money

As a Christian nearing or in retirement, your nest egg is at serious risk. The first phase, called FedNOW, is already in motion. It's only a matter of time before your financial freedom is wiped away.

But you can still act.

Download your FREE Wealth Protection Guide and learn how to keep your money safe from this overreach.

Download Your Free Guide Now

Thousands of Christian Americans have already taken steps to protect their retirement, ensuring that when the digital dollar strikes, their savings will still be there.

And now, it's your turn…

Download Your Free Guide Now
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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 3:00 AM Kategori:


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