'Confirmed': iPhone 5S will be vulgar, gaudy, tacky, nasty, tawdry, ugly, emetic | Sharky: Any bets what the consultant's favorite phrase is? | |||||||||
Computerworld Hardware | |||||||||
| Intel to customize chips for big data apps WHITE PAPER: EMC Corporation On-Premise Storage with EMC Syncplicity and EMC Atmos This white paper explains the benefits to the extended enterprise of the on-premise, online file sharing storage solution from EMC Syncplicity and EMC Atmos. It also discusses solution deployment and load balancing options. Learn More In this Issue
WHITE PAPER: Plantronics, Inc. Making Voice a Successful Part of Your UC Rollout You've thought long and hard about the investment you're making in Unified Communications. We've compiled ten steps to streamline the audio aspect of your UC deployment. Putting an audio strategy in place now can help you plan, deploy and eventually drive higher adoption rates. Download our workbook now! Read Now! 'Confirmed': iPhone 5S will be vulgar, gaudy, tacky, nasty, tawdry, ugly, emetic Sharky: Any bets what the consultant's favorite phrase is? Open-source project aims to give vision to hobbyists' robots Dell profit slides 72% as privatization battle drags on WHITE PAPER: Mimecast North America Inc. In-the-Cloud Email Service Replaces Three Point Products Read this case study for more information on a comprehensive in-the-cloud email service to help replace three point products. Learn More. Nokia updates Lumia smartphones with camera app, better imaging Ken Gagne: Steve Wozniak on Apple's founding 7 mobile hard drives: More portable and more powerful Google designs heads-up display in eyeglass lens | | |||||||
DIGITAL SPOTLIGHT: CLOUD COMPUTING In our in-depth report on cloud computing, we take a closer look at platform-as-a-service, security-as-a-service and back-end-as-a-service, weighing the benefits and challenges of each service and sharing tips from early adopters. This free, 12-page magazine-style report is available now [Registration required] To read the report, click here. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: PREMIER 100 IT LEADERS Now's your chance to get a worthy CIO or other top IT executive nominated for next year's Premier 100 IT Leaders awards! Deadline is Friday, Aug. 30. To make a nomination, click here. KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST NEWS ON CONSUMERIZATION JOIN THE COMPUTERWORLD CONVERSATION ON GOOGLE + CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | |||||||||
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