Kansas startup tackles smartphone interference | NYSE builds business around resilient infrastructure services | ||||||||||
Computerworld Networking | ||||||||||
| What wearable computing is really all about RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: Argent What's the biggest bottleneck in VMware? Do more CPUs improve VMware? Using VMware NIC Teaming? Does TCP/IP affect VMware? (You'll be surprised) Get this essential FREE white paper now 11 pages of technical details, not sales fluff Click to continue In this Issue
WHITE PAPER: Network Instruments Getting Ahead Managing VoIP and Videoconferencing Can the move to UC be just another simple technology transition? End users expect these technologies to look, act and behave just as their non-IP predecessors. But for IT teams it brings very real, new requirements. Learn VoIP and video success strategies from Jim Frey, an Enterprise Management Associates analyst. Learn more. Kansas startup tackles smartphone interference NYSE builds business around resilient infrastructure services Darlene Storm: Researchers create battery-free wireless communication 'out of thin air' Richi Jennings: Zuckerberg wants to #ConnectTheWorld but trust is an issue Cisco posts revenue, profit gains, continues push beyond networks WHITE PAPER: Riverbed How WAN Optimization Helps Enterprises Reduce Costs If you wanted to break down innovation into a tidy equation, it might go something like this: Technology + Connectivity = Productivity. Productivity comes in two forms: user experience and infrastructure efficiency. Learn more>> Cybercriminals use Google Cloud Messaging service to control malware on Android devices
As a top executive at Intel and EMC, Pat Gelsinger helped build the data centers of today. Now, as CEO of VMware, he's promising to deliver the data centers of tomorrow. In this installment of the IDG Enterprise CEO Interview Series, Gelsinger spoke with Chief Content Officer John Gallant and Network World Senior Writer Brandon Butler about what he's accomplished one year into his tenure, and why the company is uniquely positioned to deliver on the vision of software-defined data centers. Gelsinger detailed the company's plans for its upcoming infrastructure-as-a-service offerings and how it will out-duel early leader Amazon in that market. He also discussed VMware's plans to simplify mobility and explained how, rather than threatening the company, OpenStack is widening VMware's market. (Oh, one other thing about OpenStack: He doesn't see it gaining traction in the enterprise.) Gelsinger also shared thoughts on VMware's competitors and discussed how he'll work with former VMware CEO Paul Maritz's new Pivotal spin off. Read More
Greg Lambert: Patch Tuesday history with a touch of critical and important Microsoft moves to block MD5 certificates and improve RDP authentication Sharky: Something's confused, that's for sure | | ||||||||
DIGITAL SPOTLIGHT: CLOUD COMPUTING In our in-depth report on cloud computing, we take a closer look at platform-as-a-service, security-as-a-service and back-end-as-a-service, weighing the benefits and challenges of each service and sharing tips from early adopters. This free, 12-page magazine-style report is available now [Registration required] To read the report, click here. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: PREMIER 100 IT LEADERS Now's your chance to get a worthy CIO or other top IT executive nominated for next year's Premier 100 IT Leaders awards! Deadline is Friday, Aug. 30. To make a nomination, click here. KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST NEWS ON CONSUMERIZATION JOIN THE COMPUTERWORLD CONVERSATION ON GOOGLE + CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | ||||||||||
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