Preston Gralla: Why Bill Gates Can't Save Microsoft | 10 big data trends changing the face of business | |||||||||
Computerworld IT Management/Outsourcing | |||||||||
| As Ballmer departs, tech world awaits white smoke from Redmond WHITE PAPER: EMC Corporation VMware Horizon View and EMC VSPEX Take the Easy Route to Next Generation Virtual Desktops. Learn how VSPEX with End User Computing Transforms Central Vermont Medical Center IT from Problem Solver to Business Enabler. Learn More. In this Issue WEBCAST: HP Intel VMware Your IT Journey - Your Way Faced with unrelenting pressure to do more with less, IT leaders are implementing virtualization, mobility and cloud computing in their enterprises. In this Knowledge Vault Exchange you'll find a plethora of valuable information, including videos, on-demand Webcasts, white papers and Twitter chats. View Now! Preston Gralla: Why Bill Gates Can't Save Microsoft 10 big data trends changing the face of business WEBCAST: IBM Corporation Give Your Users What They Want with Cloud and Mobile Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 Time: 2:00 PM EDT You will learn: - How moving to the cloud can help accelerate mobile adoption in your organization. - The benefits of combining the power of cloud with the freedom and functionality of mobile. Learn More. COBOL-based system for $160B pension fund is a political football Preston Gralla: Did Bill Gates help push Steve Ballmer out the door? 11 signs your IT project is doomed | | |||||||
DIGITAL SPOTLIGHT: CLOUD COMPUTING In our in-depth report on cloud computing, we take a closer look at platform-as-a-service, security-as-a-service and back-end-as-a-service, weighing the benefits and challenges of each service and sharing tips from early adopters. This free, 12-page magazine-style report is available now [Registration required] To read the report, click here. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: PREMIER 100 IT LEADERS Now's your chance to get a worthy CIO or other top IT executive nominated for next year's Premier 100 IT Leaders awards! Deadline is Friday, Aug. 30. To make a nomination, click here. KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST NEWS ON CONSUMERIZATION JOIN THE COMPUTERWORLD CONVERSATION ON GOOGLE + DIGITAL SPOTLIGHT: THE CONSUMERIZATION OF TECHNOLOGY CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | |||||||||
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