10 cool tools for heading back to school | Deep cyberattacks cause millions in losses for U.S. banks | |||||||||
Computerworld First Look | |||||||||
| Connectivity issue caused Nasdaq trading problems WHITE PAPER: SAS Data Visualization Techniques Regardless of how much data an organization has, creating visuals of data will deliver the most meaningful analysis. This paper discusses some of the basic issues concerning data visualization, from data size and column composition, to solving unique challenges presented by big data. Learn More In this Issue
WHITE PAPER: ReadSoft Taking BPO to the next level - 6 questions to consider Stay ahead of increasing competition in today's Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) market by boosting efficiency and service delivery with the right technology solution. Download this white paper for detailed insights that will guide you to stay efficient, flexible, and customer-focused. Learn More 10 cool tools for heading back to school Deep cyberattacks cause millions in losses for U.S. banks Best college tech majors for landing a top starting salary To the Moon or bust! NASA preps to launch lunar probe Video: NASA to test high-speed laser data link from space Makerbot's desktop scanner for 3D printers will cost you $1,400 Samsung won't get a retrial in 'overscroll bounce' patent fight with Apple WHITE PAPER: Network Instruments Getting Ahead Managing VoIP and Videoconferencing Can the move to UC be just another simple technology transition? End users expect these technologies to look, act and behave just as their non-IP predecessors. But for IT teams it brings very real, new requirements. Learn VoIP and video success strategies from Jim Frey, an Enterprise Management Associates analyst. Learn more. Who knew? Privacy is a concern for teenagers, study shows Copyright guru claims 'fair use' to fight YouTube takedown notice Mozilla 'Plug-n-Hack' project aims for tighter security tool integration Apple buys Embark, yet another mapping app Xerox releases a fix for scanning error issue JR Raphael: Check out Chrome for Android's redesigned start page Antone Gonsalves: Why Apple customers should worry about security IT Blogwatch: Microsoft helps Delta Airlines say, 'Shut up and give me your money!' | | |||||||
DIGITAL SPOTLIGHT: CLOUD COMPUTING In our in-depth report on cloud computing, we take a closer look at platform-as-a-service, security-as-a-service and back-end-as-a-service, weighing the benefits and challenges of each service and sharing tips from early adopters. This free, 12-page magazine-style report is available now [Registration required] To read the report, click here. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: PREMIER 100 IT LEADERS Now's your chance to get a worthy CIO or other top IT executive nominated for next year's Premier 100 IT Leaders awards! Deadline is Friday, Aug. 30. To make a nomination, click here. KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST NEWS ON CONSUMERIZATION JOIN THE COMPUTERWORLD CONVERSATION ON GOOGLE + DIGITAL SPOTLIGHT: THE CONSUMERIZATION OF TECHNOLOGY CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | |||||||||
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