Thursday, August 15, 2013

Do devs and IT pros get Windows 8.1 early? Microsoft won't say

  Blaster from the past: The worm that zapped XP 10 years ago | Lawmakers, SAP pointing fingers over failed payroll project

  Computerworld Wrap-Up

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Do devs and IT pros get Windows 8.1 early? Microsoft won't say
Microsoft today refused to clarify conflicting statements by its public relations representatives about whether developers and enterprise customers will obtain the Windows 8.1 update weeks before the public, as is customary. Read More


Data Visualization Techniques
Regardless of how much data an organization has, creating visuals of data will deliver the most meaningful analysis. This paper discusses some of the basic issues concerning data visualization, from data size and column composition, to solving unique challenges presented by big data. Learn More

In this Issue

WHITE PAPER: Akamai Technologies, Inc.

Choose the Right Web Security Solution
Which web security solution is right for your organization? In this white paper, IDC Research examines this question by providing insight into today's threats and technologies available to address them. Download the report to learn how you can be prepared should an attack strike. Learn More

Blaster from the past: The worm that zapped XP 10 years ago
Ten years ago this week, the Blaster worm swept through Windows XP and Windows 2000 networks, bringing some government agencies to a halt and perhaps contributing to a power blackout in the Northeast U.S. Read More

Lawmakers, SAP pointing fingers over failed payroll project
The failure of a massive payroll project involving SAP software has California lawmakers, state officials and the vendor pointing fingers of blame at each other. Read More

IT pros won't get Windows 8.1 until October
IT professionals won't get their hands on Windows 8.1 until October, getting the release at the same time as consumers rather than in advance as has previously been the practice. Read More

NASA's Kepler can't continue search for Earth-like planets
NASA's Kepler space telescope has come to the end of its mission to hunt for Earth-like planets in the galaxy. Read More

Google patches Android after Bitcoin wallet issue
Google is distributing patches for a cryptography flaw in Android that may affect hundreds of thousands of applications. Read More

Windows 8 comes to open-source PCs with GizmoSphere board
  The market for x86 open-source PCs is now a two-horse race, with GizmoSphere releasing schematics and design documents for hobbyists to build from scratch a Windows 8 computer based on open design. Read More


Disaster Recovery Exercises Fall Short of the Finish Line
Though many enterprises have advanced disaster recovery technologies put in place, they still fall short when it comes to actual preparedness due to a lack of formal processes and a strict regimen for exercising DR plans. Read now!

Google designs heads-up display in eyeglass lens
Engineers at Google have developed a way to display information to people in the lenses of their eyeglasses. Read More

Druva relies on OpenStack for new endpoint data protection platform
Druva chose to build the new private cloud edition of its inSync endpoint data protection using OpenStack because of its object storage functionality, but the increasingly popular cloud platform still needs to improve in some key areas, according to CEO Jaspreet Singh. Read More

Nokia releases Asha SDK in bid to attract developers
Nokia is hoping to boost the number of apps available for the Asha 501 to make it more competitive with low-cost Android smartphones with the release Thursday of the first version of a software development kit (SDK) for the phone. Read More

Darlene Storm: Researchers create battery-free wireless communication 'out of thin air'
People repurpose all manner of things, but engineers have created a battery-free communication technique that repurposes wireless signals that already surround us. This new wireless communication system seems like "magic," since it "provides connectivity between computers out of what is essentially thin air." It takes us a step closer to an Internet of Things reality as it lets devices talk to each other without relying on batteries or wires for power. Instead, it taps into already existing ambient Wi-Fi, TV or cellular signals to exchange information. Read More

Jonny Evans: Why Apple iPads in your schools are essential learning tools
Today I feel like taking on a stalking horse, so here goes: iPads in schools are not luxury items, they are essential to boosting your child's educational achievements, and if your children don't have access to these things then they will be at a disadvantage in contrast to those kids who do, and here's why: Read More

Preston Gralla: Windows Phone's solid growth in danger because of a big app gap with Android, iOS
Another report confirms that Windows Phone's solid growth puts it at number three worldwide, but also warns there is danger ahead. In order to maintain that growth, it says, Microsoft needs to get serious about closing the app gap between Windows Phone and Android and iOS. Read More

JR Raphael: The new Nexus 7 revisited: 3 weeks with Google's latest tablet
Is Google's new Nexus 7 tablet actually worth buying? Some updated thoughts after three weeks living with the device. Read More



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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 1:14 PM Kategori:


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