Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Presentation Proposals Are Now Being Accepted for SNW Fall 2013

Please consider proposing a presentation for the upcoming SNW Fall 2013 conference taking place October 15-17, 2013 at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach, California. 

SNW case studies can be proposed in over 30 track areas (please see below for a complete list) and submitted online at by Monday, May 6 at 5pm EST/8pm PST.

Produced by Computerworld and co-owned by Computerworld and the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA), SNW is the leading global event series focused on the advancements in, and implementations of, storage, data center, networking, cloud and information infrastructure technologies.

Throughout this three-day conference, attendees from major public and private sector organizations will learn about the latest user successes and challenges, as well as products, tools and services.

Please note SNW's speaker registration policies:
- If you are submitting a speaking proposal from a representative of an end-user organization or an industry analyst firm, your presenter will receive a complimentary speaker registration if your proposal is accepted.

- If you are submitting a speaking proposal for a representative from a solution provider company, please note that we have implemented a presenter registration fee of $1,995. That said, should the solution provider organization become an event sponsor, this fee may be waived.

     Thank you for your support of SNW and we look forward to receiving your proposal for Fall 2013!

Backup and Archiving

Business Continuity

Data Archive

Disaster Recovery

Data Backup

Document Management

Network Resilliency

Virtual Tape

Tape Libraries  

Consumerization's Impact on the Enterprise


Shadow IT (IT built without organizational approval)

Cloud Computing

Backup and Archive in the Cloud

Cloud Storage

Hybrid Clouds (Public and Private)

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

Data Center/ Data Center Networking

Systems Consolidation

Energy Efficiency

High Performance Computing

Networking and Network Infrastructure

Remote Management

Software Defined Networking

Total Cost of Ownership

Data Management

Big Data



File Systems and File Access Protocols

Information Lifecycle Management

Long-Term Retention

Object-Based Storage

Regulatory Compliance

Data Tiering and Scaleout

Data Security



Cloud Security

Solid State

Application Acceleration

Hybrid Devices

Flash Storage

Storage Management

Fabric Management

Managing Storage Hierarchies

Storage Resource Management

Thin Provisioning

Storage Networking

Converged FC, FCoE Storage

Storage over IP


RDMA over Various Transports





Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

Virtual Machine Management




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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 10:45 AM Kategori:


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