Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Facebook Home on iPhone? Not a chance, say experts

  Apple keeps patching Java on OS X Snow Leopard after proposed drop-dead date | Update: Marathon bombing suspect reportedly identified
  Computerworld Wrap-Up

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Facebook Home on iPhone? Not a chance, say experts
There is absolutely no way that Apple will surrender its iPhone interface to Facebook Home, analysts said today. Read More

WEBCAST: HP Intel VMware

Your IT Journey - Your Way
Faced with unrelenting pressure to do more with less, IT leaders are implementing virtualization, mobility and cloud computing in their enterprises. In this Knowledge Vault Exchange you'll find a plethora of valuable information, including videos, on-demand Webcasts, white papers and Twitter chats. View Now!

In this Issue

WEBCAST: EMC Corporation

Transform Your Cloud
This video highlights how VMAX Cloud Edition automates day-to-day tasks, improves service levels and accelerates time-to-value for users of public, private and hybrid clouds. Learn More.

Apple keeps patching Java on OS X Snow Leopard after proposed drop-dead date
Apple on Tuesday patched Java for the aged OS X Snow Leopard and tweaked Safari to give users more control over what websites they let run the vulnerability plagued Oracle software. Read More

Update: Marathon bombing suspect reportedly identified
A suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing on Monday has reportedly been identified, according to numerous news agencies, although there were conflicting reports about whether anyone had been arrested. Read More

Boston bombings: Forensics on crowdsourced video will be a challenge
The attempt by law enforcement authorities in Boston to use crowdsourced video images and still photos to identify those responsible for the fatal bombings in the city earlier this week could prove challenging, but it's not unprecedented. Read More

Google upgrades mobile search
Google is moving to keep up with its mobile users, updating search on devices this week. Read More

Galaxy S4 available on seven U.S. wireless carriers by end of April
Samsung announced today that its next-generation Galaxy S4 smartphone will be available by the end of April on seven major U.S. carriers, as well as seven retailers. Read More

Microsoft moves to optional two-factor authentication
Following similar initiatives by Apple, Google and Facebook, Microsoft is enabling two-factor authentication for its Microsoft Account service, the log-on service for many of its online and desktop products. Read More

Intel lays foundations for SDN gear that could shake up networking
If software-defined networking ultimately changes the landscape of networking, Intel could be one of the biggest beneficiaries -- and might be one of the reasons. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Cisco Systems

Mobilize: A unified IT approach to the mobile workspace
Why does unification matter for today's enterprise? The answer can be found by looking to today's defining trends. The consumerization of IT, BYOD, mobility-based business models--they're all transforming how employees work and customers engage. Read Now

DDOS attacks have increased in number and size this year, report says
The volume, duration and frequency of distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks used to flood websites and other systems with junk traffic have significantly increased during the first three months of this year, according to a report released Wednesday by Florida-based DDOS mitigation provider Prolexic. Read More

Targeted attacks up over 2012, SMBs increasingly at risk: Symantec
The number of targeted attacks almost doubled in 2012 compared to the prior year. Read More

Intel invokes Apple's Knowledge Navigator to envision future smartphones
More than 25 years after Apple introduced "Knowledge Navigator" as a concept that envisioned the future of computers, Intel has reintroduced the concept as the future of smartphones. Read More

ACLU complains to FTC that mobile carriers leave Android phones unsecured
Smartphones with custom versions of Android offered by large mobile operators in the U.S. are not getting security updates as regularly as phones from Google, or smartphones from other vendors like Microsoft, according to a complaint by the American Civil Liberties Union to the Federal Trade Commission. Read More

Google Apps, Gmail services disrupted this morning
Google Apps, including Gmail and Google Documents, suffered a disruption this morning. Read More

Peter Eicher: Will we ever use flash drives for enterprise backup?
Is flash the answer for the storage needs of the future? Read More

JR Raphael: The danger of the smartphone utopia trap
A highly contagious condition is circulating among Android enthusiasts. Have you fallen victim to the smartphone utopia trap? Read More

Preston Gralla: Here's why Bill Gates could be considered a visionary and Steve Jobs only a follower
Conventional wisdom holds that Bill Gates is a heads-down, grind-it-out geek, while the true visionary of the tech era was Steve Jobs. In fact, though, there's an argument that the opposite is the case: Gates was the true visionary, while Jobs was a follower. So argues the afterword of the re-issued book "Gates: How Microsoft's Mogul Reinvented an Industry and Made Himself the Richest Man in America," and there's a good deal of truth in it. Read More


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Facebook unveiled a launcher, called Home, which, in part, replaces your home screen with a Facebook centric home screen. Do you want Facebook Home as your smartphone's home screen?

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 1:16 PM Kategori:


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