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Surprise party WHITE PAPER: Argent What's the biggest bottleneck in VMware? Do more CPUs improve VMware? Using VMware NIC Teaming? Does TCP/IP affect VMware? (You'll be surprised) Get this essential FREE white paper now 11 pages of technical details, not sales fluff Click to continue | ||||||||||
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SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT CLOUD COMPUTING Where do you think cloud computing is headed? Our survey enables you to share your views on events, trends and technology changes that will be driven by cloud computing. Please provide your email address at the end of the survey and we will share the survey results with you. That knowledge can help you shape your private, public and hybrid cloud strategy and plans for the future. The survey is easy. Simply decide whether you agree, disagree or are uncertain about the likelihood of each potential future event or trend -- taking careful note of the timeframe in the question. Results from this survey will be used to shape a session called "Future Proofing: An Interactive Discussion" at the Cloud Leadership Forum, which will be held in California on June 20 and June 21 at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara. Many thanks for your help! For an upcoming feature story in Computerworld, share your tales of summer woe: tell us the worst thing that happened back at the office while you were out on vacation, and how you managed your staff from a distance. (We may e-mail you if you're willing to be quoted in our story.) CAST YOUR VOTE IN OUR LATEST QUICKPOLL Has the MacDefender scareware diminished the Mac's security luster? NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | ||||||||||
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