Everything you need to know about Mac scareware | Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America jointly launch PayPal rival | ||||||||||
Computerworld Wrap-Up | ||||||||||
Google unveils mobile wallet service RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: SnapLogic Get your free copy of the SnapLogic Live Trial today. SnapLogic connects applications and data sources in a way that's light, flexible and cost effective. Their revolutionary "Snaps" make it easy to access, synchronize and integrate on-premise and cloud-based systems. SnapLogic is transforming how companies integrate applications both on-premise and in the Cloud. Download your 14-Day Free Trial today! In this Issue
WHITE PAPER: Cisco Systems, Inc. Social Technologies Add Business Value Social technologies are moving from the consumer space into the enterprise, and Enterprise Social Software (ESS) is changing how people work. A white paper based on a Forrester Consulting survey commissioned by Cisco reveals the benefits and inhibitors faced by decision makers and how ESS is transforming business processes. Read the white paper now. Everything you need to know about Mac scareware Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America jointly launch PayPal rival From CIO.com: Email Overload: Twitter Now Sends @Reply and Retweet Alerts Amazon challenges Apple with Mac app download store Amazon says it's ready for new Lady Gaga offer Josh Stephens: Lady Gaga breaks Amazon.com, and what you should learn from it Honda Canada warns customers of data breach NASA astronauts boost robotics on space station Senate panel approves controversial copyright bill RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: Cisco Systems, Inc. Transform Your Business with Video Business video is exploding in popularity. As video becomes increasingly pervasive, businesses need to uncover the most efficient and productive ways to deploy the media. Cisco Services offers four detailed white paper seriesplus complementary short videosthat outline practical steps for harnessing the power of video and realizing the best ROI. Go Now Halamka: Facing down VUCA, and doing the right thing Skype voice service crashes; users offered fix instructions SAP's 'Ramp-Up' program fingered in ERP lawsuit Obama softens stance on accused U.K. hacker McKinnon Lenovo profits more than double for fiscal year Capgemini to support SAP apps on Amazon's cloud U.S. online ad market up 23% in Q1 IDC: Google knocks off Yahoo as U.S. display ad leader Preston Gralla: Beginning of the end for Microsoft's Ballmer? Sound Off: Worst. Vacation. Ever. | ||||||||||
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SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT CLOUD COMPUTING Where do you think cloud computing is headed? Our survey enables you to share your views on events, trends and technology changes that will be driven by cloud computing. Please provide your email address at the end of the survey and we will share the survey results with you. That knowledge can help you shape your private, public and hybrid cloud strategy and plans for the future. The survey is easy. Simply decide whether you agree, disagree or are uncertain about the likelihood of each potential future event or trend -- taking careful note of the timeframe in the question. Results from this survey will be used to shape a session called "Future Proofing: An Interactive Discussion" at the Cloud Leadership Forum, which will be held in California on June 20 and June 21 at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara. Many thanks for your help! CAST YOUR VOTE IN OUR LATEST QUICKPOLL Has the MacDefender scareware diminished the Mac's security luster? SHARK TANK OF THE DAY This user complains that the guy in the next cubicle is surfing porn on the Web -- and after an investigation, he's gone. But that's not the end. NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | ||||||||||
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