Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Summit speakers tackle tech’s privacy implications

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Privacy's dance with technology
plays out on Summit main stage

Speakers serve up diverse views on
tech's privacy risks and benefits
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Come to the IAPP Global Privacy Summit for a keynote speaker lineup that approaches privacy from avenues as diverse as law and high fashion. Hailing from the worlds of technology, journalism and fashion, these speakers will expand your thinking on the often uneasy relationship between privacy and technology.

Anu Bradford explores three competing technology regulation frameworks in her book "Digital Empires: The Global Battle to Regulate Technology." The outcome of the competition between American, Chinese and European models will shape the global digital landscape — and the future of liberal democracy.
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Described as "the conscience of the A.I. Revolution," Buolamwini uses art and research to illuminate the social implications of artificial intelligence and create a world with more equitable and accountable technology
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Rachele Didero advocates for privacy through a combination of technology, ethics and fashion. As a doctoral student, she developed textile designs that confound face recognition technology. She founded the design firm Cap_able to bring those products to the public and raise awareness of potential misuse of facial biometric data.
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Anna Funder's internationally acclaimed, award-winning books "Stasiland" and "All That I Am" illuminate the human condition in times of tyranny and surveillance through stories of courage, resistance, conscience and love. Her latest work, "Wifedom: Mrs Orwell's Invisible Life," was an instant Sunday Times Bestseller and a New York Times Notable Book of 2023.
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Kashmir Hill drove home the reality of AI-powered face recognition's societal risks in her best-selling book "Your Face Belongs to Us," which documented the rise of Clearview-AI. She writes about the intersection of law, technology, social media and personal information for The New York Times.
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Jeff Jarvis explores the benefits of digital connectedness and how notions of privacy must evolve to make room for social and economic progress. His book "The Gutenberg Parenthesis: The Age of Print and Its Lessons for the Age of the Internet" traces an Internet-fueled return to the fluid amalgam of oral traditions and music that preceded the mass media, how it gives more people a voice, and how society will evolve to embrace it.
Register for Summit today to be part of the privacy profession's most thought-provoking event.
Register for Summit

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IAPP Global Privacy Summit 2024
Training 1-2 April
Workshops 2 April
Conference 3-4 April
Washington, DC
Learn more
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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 7:02 AM Kategori:


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