Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Cook jabs at Windows, Android in WWDC keynote

  EPA urges efficiency, many data centers still far from it | Apple will preview OS X Yosemite to first 1M beta testers

  Computerworld First Look

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Cook jabs at Windows, Android in WWDC keynote
Apple may have had a lot to dish out Monday to developers, but that didn't stop CEO Tim Cook from taking time to talk a little smack about rivals Microsoft and Google. Read More

WHITE PAPER: ExtraHop Networks

Monitor Application Performance in Virtualized Environments
Worried about application performance in the cloud? Real-time analysis of wire data provides you with deterministic application response times and detailed L7 metrics. This white paper explains how you can get the visibility you need to manage P2V migrations and cloud performance. Learn More>>

In this Issue

WHITE PAPER: Sophos, Inc.
Advanced Persistent Threats: Detection and Protection
In this paper we'll explain how a multi-faceted approach to protect against APTs including layers of defense can reduce the risk of attacks. Learn More

EPA urges efficiency, many data centers still far from it
The White House plan to cut carbon dioxide pollution by 30% seeks to meet its goals, in part, through efficiency improvements. This could put further pressure on data centers to improve efficiency, many of which are powering servers that are doing very little work or none at all. Read More

Apple will preview OS X Yosemite to first 1M beta testers
Apple today said the public can try out early versions of the OS X Yosemite operating system, the first time since 2000 the company has let large numbers of outsiders get an early look at an upcoming Mac OS. Read More

At WWDC, continuity across devices is the theme
Apple's "Continuity" initiative is all about using the right device for the right task at the right moment and shifting between those devices seamlessly. Columnist Ryan Faas explains. Read More

SanDisk ships superfast Extreme Pro SSD for gamers
With up to 550MB/s throughput SanDisk's Extreme Pro SSD promises a gaming/video rendering experience that never stutters or pauses. Read More

The top 10 cities for technology careers
Is your particular skill-set saturated in your current location? Are you thinking about taking your tech talents to a new locale, possibly one with more IT career opportunities? If so, here are some cities you may want to consider before choosing a new home. Read More

Q&A: 3D gun maker Cody Wilson defends freedom to print guns
Cody Wilson, founder of Defense Distributed, contests claims his 3D printed gun isn't safe and will try to continue to make 3D gun plans available. Read More

Phishing campaign touts fake 'Heartbleed removal' tool
  Trend Micro is warning of a phishing campaign touting a 'Heartbleed removal' tool, a nonsensical product that is actually malicious software. Read More

WHITE PAPER: ExtraHop Networks

10 Ways Wire Data Helps Conquer IT Complexity
This whitepaper explains the value of wire data in practical, simple to understand terms. With a robust wire data analytics solution, IT can automatically detect problems across the entire IT environment, spot data theft by flagging queries from untrusted sources, select unique pieces of transaction payloads to send to any big data source, and more Learn more >>

First Broadwell-based tablet thinner than iPad Air
The future of speedy paper-thin tablets running Intel's Broadwell chips seems promising, after we tested the first-ever prototype shown by the chip maker. Read More

Intel moves to bring Core M PC chips to tablets
Intel wants to deliver more performance to tablets while curbing power consumption, and has launched a new Core M line of processors to meet those needs. Read More

Intel's new Core i7 chip hits 5GHz
Intel is shipping a new Core i7 chip for gamers that runs at 4.4GHz -- and can be overclocked to 5GHz. Read More

Wireless charging for phablets, tablets gets a Computex debut
PowerbyProxi is demonstrating two new chargers to handle larger mobile devices by offering more than twice the power of its previous technology. Read More

IBM brings development methodologies to the cloud
While practices to speed programming have been around for a decade, only recently have they caught the eye of the enterprise manager looking for a competitive edge. Now, IBM is updating its Bluemix portfolio of cloud services to help companies save time in deploying new applications by using these new programming methodologies. Read More

SAP set to add cloud services for vertical industries
  SAP is hoping to grab a bigger piece of the money its customers spend on cloud-based software by creating a new series of industry-specific services. Read More

Jonny Evans: WWDC 2014 Apple puts its fighting boots on
Apple never said it, but the fact that Xcode 6 includes new OS Simulator features that will allow developers to resize the simulated screen for any arbitrary resolution means -- well, it's a pretty blatant confirmation Apple will introduce devices with different sizes -- small (iWatch) and large (phablet phones). The other thing it implies is that Apple isn't talking about it yet. Read More

Richi Jennings: Apple WWDC surprises, with bitter disappointment
Irony, thy name is Tim. Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) announced loads of stuff in the WWDC keynote: iOS 8, OS/X 10.10, Yosemite, Swift, etc. As usual, commentators are pointing to all the 'innovations' that Apple has 'copied' from other platforms. But this time, what's usually a dribble of criticism has become a torrent. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers duck and cover. Read More


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This free, 28-page magazine-style report is available now. [Registration required]

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 6:00 AM Kategori:


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