Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Apple opens up iOS, struts Mac-iPhone-iPad integration

At WWDC, continuity across devices is the theme | Cook jabs at Windows, Android in WWDC keynote

Computerworld Macintosh

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Apple opens up iOS, struts Mac-iPhone-iPad integration
Apple CEO Tim Cook and one of his top lieutenants today outlined the next iterations of the company's critical iOS and the less-important OS X before enthusiastic developers. Read More

: EMC Corporation

Managing Big Data Growth eGuide
In this eGuide, CIO, Computerworld, Network World, InfoWorld, and IT World examine the challenge of managing big data growth and offer news, opinions, and tips for overcoming some of these hurdles. Read on to learn how best to manage big data growth in your organization. Learn More

In this Issue


HP ArcSight ESM Solution Helps Bank to Combat Fraud
Turkey's Finansbank needed a way to spot potential fraud among millions of electronic transactions. But implementing a commercial fraud management application would take 18 months. Based on their experience using HP ArcSight Enterprise Security Manager (ESM) for IT security operations, they decided to adapt HP ArcSight ESM for fraud management. Learn More

At WWDC, continuity across devices is the theme
Apple's "Continuity" initiative is all about using the right device for the right task at the right moment and shifting between those devices seamlessly. Columnist Ryan Faas explains. Read More

Cook jabs at Windows, Android in WWDC keynote
Apple may have had a lot to dish out Monday to developers, but that didn't stop CEO Tim Cook from taking time to talk a little smack about rivals Microsoft and Google. Read More

Apple will preview OS X Yosemite to first 1M beta testers
Apple today said the public can try out early versions of the OS X Yosemite operating system, the first time since 2000 the company has let large numbers of outsiders get an early look at an upcoming Mac OS. Read More

Wi-Fi calling coming to iPhones in iOS 8, with T-Mobile's support
Apple's new iOS 8 will support Wi-Fi calling when the version launches in the fall, and T-Mobile US was quick to say it will support the feature on its customers' iPhones. Read More

Video Short Take: iOS 8, OS X Yosemite highlights
Computerworld's Ken Mingis and IDG Enterprise's Keith Shaw discuss what they liked (and didn't) at Apple's Worldwide Developer's Conference keynote. Read More

Beats me: Everyone posits a theory on Apple's $3B deal
Apple made it official Wednesday that it would acquire Beats Entertainment, but even after weeks of speculation, pundits still can't decide whether the deal is a smart move. Read More

HP must give up Beats Audio after Apple deal
Hewlett-Packard today confirmed that it will drop Beats Audio from its line of high-end PCs and tablets by the end of 2015. Read More

OS X Mavericks will power 70% of Macs before it's replaced by today's upgrade
With Apple poised to introduce its next version of OS X within hours, the current edition, Mavericks, will end its career this fall powering almost three-fourths of all Macs, a validation of Apple's decision last year to give away the operating system. Read More

Demand for extra-large iPhone may be overstated
Although Apple watchers expect the company to boost the iPhone's screen size this fall, demand for a very large display is actually weak among iPhone owners in China -- and even weaker in the U.S. Read More

WWDC preview: For Apple, it's all about platforms now
Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference is the company's one big chance to talk up hardware, operating systems and services -- and explain where Apple is headed. Ryan Faas explains what to look for on Monday. Read More

WHITE PAPER: CA Technologies

Integrated Performance Tools Plug Mainframe Management Gap
Mainframe applications are becoming more complex but mainframe experts are essentially aging out of their jobs. New research from IDG sheds light on this challenge, and the solution of integrated, enterprise-wide application performance management tools. Learn more

Apple plots home break-in, home automation break-through
It looks like Apple will trumpet its entry into the home automation market next week at its annual developers conference. Read More

Appeals court denies Apple bid to delay e-books damages trial
The trial for damages in the e-books price-fixing lawsuit against Apple is to proceed on July 14 after an appeals court declined to stay it. Read More

Jonny Evans: WWDC 2014 Apple puts its fighting boots on
Apple never said it, but the fact that Xcode 6 includes new OS Simulator features that will allow developers to resize the simulated screen for any arbitrary resolution means -- well, it's a pretty blatant confirmation Apple will introduce devices with different sizes -- small (iWatch) and large (phablet phones). The other thing it implies is that Apple isn't talking about it yet. Read More

Jonny Evans: WWDC 2014: Apple sets the scene for its next decade
The WWDC keynote may be over, but new programming language, Swift, sets Apple up for the next decade; and it's not about 'Made in Cupertino' any more: the new Apple is all about enabling a much more powerful ecosystem. Read More

Preston Gralla: Apple CEO Tim Cook's astonishingly misleading claims about Windows 8 at WWDC
Apple CEO Tim zinged Windows 8 multiple times at his WWDC speech, much to the delight of the Apple faithful. But if you take a closer look at his claims, you'll find that they're astonishingly misleading. In fact, Windows 8 is cleaning Mavericks' clock. Read More

JR Raphael: iOS 8 and the Android imitation fixation
iOS 8 is Apple's most overt effort yet to bring Android-like features onto its mobile devices -- and you know what? That's okay. Read More

Preston Gralla: WWDC shows it's Microsoft, not Apple, who's got the mojo
As usual in recent years, Apple'WWDC s announcements were not ground-breaking. It's just one more example of why Microsoft -- yes Microsoft -- has got the mojo these days, and Apple is looking old and stale. Read More

Jonny Evans: 'Siri, cook my lunch': 8 iOS solutions for smart homes
As I predicted in 2011 Apple is expected to introduce a new iOS-based SmartHome ecosystem at WWDC, giving its developers new opportunities for innovation. Take a look at this short collection of existing iOS smart home solutions for a hint of how Apple's going to put intelligence inside your home. Read More

Lucas Mearian: Apple's buying Beats? They must be deaf
While on paper, Apple's purchase of Beats Electronics may look good, the headphones that company makes aren't quality and cater to kids who turn up the bass on their music to cover up a lack of quality sound reproduction. In my opinion, Apple's gone fishin' downstream. Read More

Richi Jennings: Apple WWDC surprises, with bitter disappointment
Irony, thy name is Tim. Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) announced loads of stuff in the WWDC keynote: iOS 8, OS/X 10.10, Yosemite, Swift, etc. As usual, commentators are pointing to all the 'innovations' that Apple has 'copied' from other platforms. But this time, what's usually a dribble of criticism has become a torrent. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers duck and cover. Read More

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 10:58 AM Kategori:


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