ties to Heroku to bolster app development | Darlene Storm: Need to crunch 150 teraflops per second? Meet first-of-a-kind supercomputer Catalyst | |||||||||
Computerworld Data Management | |||||||||
Virtualizing Oracle software: Don't pay for what you don't need : VMware HP University Virtualizes Mission-Critical Oracle Databases Wanting to migrate from a proprietary and expensive platform, Indiana University virtualized its most demanding Oracle Databases on x86 servers and discovered that VMware could handle their largest transaction-processing workloads while dramatically reducing costs and increasing flexibility. Read Now In this Issue WEBCAST: Silanis Technology Is your company ready for Electronic Signatures? Are you convinced of the benefits of e-signatures but unsure whether your organization is ready to take advantage of the technology? Are you trying to assess the true effort and cost involved in automating your processes with electronic signatures? Learn More ties to Heroku to bolster app development Darlene Storm: Need to crunch 150 teraflops per second? Meet first-of-a-kind supercomputer Catalyst : Axeda Corporation An Executives' Guide: The Machine of the Future This eBook has been developed to help executives understand the value of M2M and IoT to enterprises. We will include a framework CEOs can use to include connected products in their corporate strategies and strategic initiatives. For those new to the topic, this eBook can serve as a primer on the business case for investing in M2M and IoT. Learn More Google must delete personal data upon request, court says New buys for EMC may come in security, big data | |||||||||
FREE SHARK TANK T-SHIRT YOUR STRATEGIC GUIDE TO BIG DATA CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES In this special issue, we examine the biggest challenges with big data projects, including the immaturity of the tools, a lack of people with expertise in big data technologies, the challenge of making the right investments and hardware that can't handle big data projects. This free, 17-page magazine-style report is available now. [Registration required] To read the report, click here. DIGITAL SPOTLIGHT: YOUR STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE CLOUD In our in-depth report, we look at the lessons learned from early adopters about ramping up, scaling back and avoiding disasters in the cloud. We'll also tell you why IT pros with cloud chops have seen their fortunes rise and offer tips on how to hammer out an iron-clad cloud service agreement. This free, 28-page magazine-style report is available now. [Registration required] To read the report, click here. INTERNET OF THINGS: GET THE LATEST! KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST NEWS ON CONSUMERIZATION JOIN THE COMPUTERWORLD CONVERSATION ON GOOGLE + CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | |||||||||
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