America's 6 top-paid CTOs | WWDC preview: For Apple, it's all about platforms now | |||||||||
Computerworld First Look | |||||||||
| Surface Pro 3 deep-dive review: Has Microsoft finally got it right? WHITE PAPER: Unisys Keeping UP with Mobile Trendsetters Is your organization making the most of mobile? In this IDG Research Services study, we take a global look at adoption trends, examining how and why some companies are pulling ahead of the mobile curve. We offer the best practices and prescriptive advice that you can put to work todayfor a more mobile tomorrow Learn more In this Issue
: EMC Corporation Managing Big Data Growth eGuide In this eGuide, CIO, Computerworld, Network World, InfoWorld, and IT World examine the challenge of managing big data growth and offer news, opinions, and tips for overcoming some of these hurdles. Read on to learn how best to manage big data growth in your organization. Learn More America's 6 top-paid CTOs WWDC preview: For Apple, it's all about platforms now Beats me: Everyone posits a theory on Apple's $3B deal Google admits it's got work to do to achieve a diverse workforce Ballmer wins LA Clippers basketball team for $2 billion Microsoft and to link wares in global partnership DOJ files gov't contracting lawsuit against CA Seagate is buying LSI's flash storage business from Avago for $450M WHITE PAPER: HGST Accelerating Oracle with Preferred Reads This article shows how the Virident | HGST FlashMAX II card can be used to gain read Flash performance in an ASM cluster, while keeping a copy of the data in the existin SAN storage array. View Now>> Google starts accepting 'right to be forgotten' requests in Europe House bill would bar FCC from reclassifying broadband as utility Acer pushes out new smartphones for Q3, targeting high to low end Apache lights a fire under Hadoop with Spark Appeals court denies Apple bid to delay e-books damages trial Hackers put security tool that finds payment card data into their arsenal Lucas Mearian: Apple's buying Beats? They must be deaf Richi Jennings: Virgin Galactic: GO for launch. The 0.01% are overjoyed | | |||||||
FREE SHARK TANK T-SHIRT YOUR STRATEGIC GUIDE TO BIG DATA CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES In this special issue, we examine the biggest challenges with big data projects, including the immaturity of the tools, a lack of people with expertise in big data technologies, the challenge of making the right investments and hardware that can't handle big data projects. This free, 17-page magazine-style report is available now. [Registration required] To read the report, click here. DIGITAL SPOTLIGHT: YOUR STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE CLOUD In our in-depth report, we look at the lessons learned from early adopters about ramping up, scaling back and avoiding disasters in the cloud. We'll also tell you why IT pros with cloud chops have seen their fortunes rise and offer tips on how to hammer out an iron-clad cloud service agreement. This free, 28-page magazine-style report is available now. [Registration required] To read the report, click here. INTERNET OF THINGS: GET THE LATEST! KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST NEWS ON CONSUMERIZATION JOIN THE COMPUTERWORLD CONVERSATION ON GOOGLE + CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | |||||||||
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