Darlene Storm: Biosurveillance: Government to track your health as a matter of national security | Jonny Evans: iOS 7: Using your iPhone to get the milk | |||||||||
Computerworld Blogs | |||||||||
| Richi Jennings: DANGER: Nest Protect may not protect your nest from fire (hence Wave recall) WHITE PAPER: ExtraHop Networks Going Beyond APM with Real-Time IT Operations Analytics This white paper explains how IT organizations can harness the wealth of wire data flowing through their environments for real-time IT operational intelligence. Read how companies across a wide range of industries are analyzing wire data for more agile and proactive IT operations. Read more >> In this Issue
WHITE PAPER: Axeda Corporation The Business Case for Machine-to-Machine Initiatives In this white paper, Axeda presents examples of M2M value propositions and defines an ROI model for building a business case and tracking results related to M2M initiatives. This paper uses real-world customer results and a set of key metrics to help executives and managers understand the return they should expect when investing in M2M. Learn More Darlene Storm: Biosurveillance: Government to track your health as a matter of national security Jonny Evans: iOS 7: Using your iPhone to get the milk WHITE PAPER: Polycom The Impact of Polycom Voice Solutions for Microsoft Lync Download this study to learn how one organization with 24,000 Polycom voice devices and Lync Enterprise Voice achieved a 98% risk-adjusted ROI and a payback period of 21 months. Learn more >> JR Raphael: Behold: The always-available bubble-based Twitter app for Android Preston Gralla: Microsoft's brand value surges, is now number 4 worldwide Sharky: Exactly the way they described it | | |||||||
FREE SHARK TANK T-SHIRT YOUR STRATEGIC GUIDE TO BIG DATA CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES In this special issue, we examine the biggest challenges with big data projects, including the immaturity of the tools, a lack of people with expertise in big data technologies, the challenge of making the right investments and hardware that can't handle big data projects. This free, 17-page magazine-style report is available now. [Registration required] To read the report, click here. DIGITAL SPOTLIGHT: YOUR STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE CLOUD In our in-depth report, we look at the lessons learned from early adopters about ramping up, scaling back and avoiding disasters in the cloud. We'll also tell you why IT pros with cloud chops have seen their fortunes rise and offer tips on how to hammer out an iron-clad cloud service agreement. This free, 28-page magazine-style report is available now. [Registration required] To read the report, click here. INTERNET OF THINGS: GET THE LATEST! KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST NEWS ON CONSUMERIZATION JOIN THE COMPUTERWORLD CONVERSATION ON GOOGLE + CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | |||||||||
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