Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Is EU's 'right to be forgotten' really the 'right to edit the truth'?

  Microsoft to webcast next week's Surface event | AT&T's $50B interest in DirecTV is just one part of an ambitious expansion

  Computerworld Wrap-Up

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Is EU's 'right to be forgotten' really the 'right to edit the truth'?
With Europe's top court ordering Google to allow people to basically edit their online personal histories, some wonder what this will mean for finding the truth online. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Axeda Corporation

The Business Case for Machine-to-Machine Initiatives
In this white paper, Axeda presents examples of M2M value propositions and defines an ROI model for building a business case and tracking results related to M2M initiatives. This paper uses real-world customer results and a set of key metrics to help executives and managers understand the return they should expect when investing in M2M. Learn More

In this Issue


Cloud Computing for Midsize Business
Read this paper to see what IBM discovered about how companies like yours are adopting, implementing and using cloud computing solutions. Learn about the current rate of adoption, as well as drivers, barriers, and considerations that are influencing the adoption of cloud computing. Learn More

Microsoft to webcast next week's Surface event
Microsoft will webcast its Surface event next Tuesday, boosting the chance that the company will reveal significant news and/or multiple products. Read More

AT&T's $50B interest in DirecTV is just one part of an ambitious expansion
AT&T's apparent interest in DirecTV is only the latest move by the wireless carrier to expand into just about every wired and wireless market it can. Read More

License reader lawsuit can be heard, appeals court rules
  A federal appeals court this week ruled that a woman's Fourth Amendment rights may have been violated when San Francisco police arrested her after an automated license plate reader mistakenly identified her car as stolen. Read More

Apple CEO Tim Cook -- now, half-off
A lunch date with Apple CEO Tim Cook went for $330,000 yesterday in an online charity auction -- a little more than half what someone paid last year for a 30-minute coffee break with him. Read More

For entry-level tech jobs, hiring managers care more about passion for IT than a diploma
Class of 2014 college graduates looking for their first IT jobs take note: your passion for and experience with technology may prove more helpful in your employment search than your diplomas. Read More

Evan Schuman: Killer robots? What could go wrong? Oh, yeah ...
The UN wants to talk about killer robots as 'conventional weapons.' Someone needs to learn the IT facts of life: If something can go wrong, it will. Read More

BlackBerry SDK confirms plan for new smartphone with high-resolution screen
BlackBerry is working on an unannounced smartphone that has a 4.5-inch screen with a 1440 by 1440 pixel resolution, as evidenced by the latest version of the company's software development kit (SDK). Read More

Microsoft continues RC4 encryption phase-out plan with .NET security updates
Microsoft released optional security updates Tuesday for various versions of the .NET Framework that prevent the RC4 encryption algorithm from being used in TLS (Transport Layer Security) connections. Read More

IT Friction and Your Organization
This report outlines key issues that cause friction between business users and IT. Learn More

Adobe patches critical flaws in Reader, Acrobat, Flash Player and Illustrator
Adobe Systems released critical security updates for several products Tuesday in order to fix vulnerabilities that could allow attackers to take remote control of systems running the vulnerable software. Read More

Ira Winkler: My run-in with the Syrian Electronic Army
  In case you missed this earlier: The hacker group dedicated to supporting Syria's dictator wasted an attack vector on trying to embarrass the writer. Will the SEA's handlers in the Syrian intelligence services approve of such immaturity? Read More

Blink team to join Yahoo, 'self-destructing' messaging app to shut down
The developers of Blink, a messaging app that could be programmed to destroy messages, are moving to Yahoo to work on communications products. Read More

Platfora update puts Hadoop's power in business users' hands
Platfora is continuing to evolve its Hadoop-focused analytics platform with a series of features catering to various user roles, such as data scientists and business analysts. Read More

Samsung offers apology for workers' leukemia
Samsung offered its "sincerest apology" for the sickness and deaths of some of its workers, vowing to compensate those affected and their families. Read More

Amazon brings cloud monitoring tool to Europe
Amazon Web Services' monitoring tool CloudTrail is now available from the company's EU region in Ireland, allowing all data to remain in Europe. Read More

Jonny Evans: Can Angela Ahrendts save the Apple Store?
What's clear as Apple puts together the pieces for its Next Big Thing is that with Ahrendts at the helm its retail stores will become the place to go if you want to take a look at its next industry-changing product releases. Read More

Preston Gralla: Here's why Windows doesn't matter: 27 million Office for iPad downloads
Microsoft clearly made the right move when it released Office for the iPad instead of holding it as a bludgeon to get people to buy Windows tablets. That's the takeaway from Microsoft's announcement that there have been 27 million downloads of Office for the iPad since its release six weeks ago. Read More


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In this special issue, we examine the biggest challenges with big data projects, including the immaturity of the tools, a lack of people with expertise in big data technologies, the challenge of making the right investments and hardware that can't handle big data projects.

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In our in-depth report, we look at the lessons learned from early adopters about ramping up, scaling back and avoiding disasters in the cloud. We'll also tell you why IT pros with cloud chops have seen their fortunes rise and offer tips on how to hammer out an iron-clad cloud service agreement.

This free, 28-page magazine-style report is available now. [Registration required]

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 1:38 PM Kategori:


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