Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sponsored Data stars in Net Neutrality death

  Darlene Storm: Will we embrace biometrics to replace passwords? FIDO authentication at CES 2014 | Jonny Evans: Apple is very, very serious about iPhone photography

  Computerworld Blogs

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Richi Jennings: That's no moon! Sponsored Data stars in Net Neutrality death.
Is AT&T destroying Net Neutrality? On Monday, AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T), unveiled its new 'toll free' mobile data plan to the galaxy of life forms attending the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. The new plan, now known throughout the Universe as Sponsored Data, caused a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of bloggers cried out in either joy or terror of the announcement. Begun, the mobile data wars have! The space opera of Sponsored Data has bloggers dueling, fighting, and debating with the single-mindedness of androids piloting a space ship. Strap yourself in for the jump to light-speed. Read More


Bloor Research: The Economics of Cloud-Managed Integration
Save time and money with cloud-managed integration Are you concerned about the cost and length of time it takes to integrate applications and data? You shouldn't be – cloud-based integration platforms dramatically speed results, increase productivity and lower costs. Learn more in this new white paper by Bloor Research. View now

WHITE PAPER: Dell and Intel®

The Forecast for AccuWeather: Server Consolidation
As demand grew for its hourly, localized forecasts, and its service became more data-intensive, AccuWeather wanted to continue to meet user expectations, while controlling costs. View Now

Darlene Storm: Will we embrace biometrics to replace passwords? FIDO authentication at CES 2014
Dozens of new personal tech products at CES 2014 use biometrics to scan fingerprints, palm prints and irises, utilize facial recognition, eye tracking, and voice recognition for FIDO authentication; that means they were "designed with a core focus on privacy;" all "biometric and/or personally identifiable information (PII) stays local on the user's device and is not shared to the cloud or over the network." Will 2014 finally be the year we embrace biometric solutions to replace passwords? Read More

Jonny Evans: Apple is very, very serious about iPhone photography
The way I'm hearing it, Apple's very serious about photography, specifically it is working hard to make sure the best camera you always want with you will be your iPhone, even if it is not already. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Virtual Instruments

Infrastructure Performance Management: The Next Game Changer
Employees and customers expect access to applications anytime and from any device. Is your IT infrastructure able to support the constant demands placed on it and continually operate at peak performance? View now>>

Preston Gralla: Windows Phone growth stalls in the U.S. and China; trouble lies ahead
Windows Phone still can't gain traction in the U.S. and China, despite good sales in Europe, the latest sales figures show. And without growth in the two largest smartphone markets, the platform can't succeed, warns a prominent analyst. Read More

JR Raphael: Hallelujah! Samsung is finally ditching the old Android Menu button
  It's been a slow and drawn out death, but Samsung is finally letting go of the old Android Menu button and moving its products closer to modern-day Android standards. Read More

Sharky: When we say it's the end, we mean THE END, right?
Company where this IT pilot fish works has a probationary period for new employees -- and management wants to make sure it knows who's about to come off probation. Read More


Clueless Consultants? Bungling Bosses? Useless Users? Tell me your tale. If it gets published, you get a sharp Shark shirt.


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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 6:11 AM Kategori:


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