JR Raphael: What Google really gained from owning Motorola | Preston Gralla: Microsoft cries 'uncle' on Windows 8 -- 8.1 update boots straight to desktop | |||||||||
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| Richi Jennings: Microsoft gives in: Windows 8.1 Update 1 skips hateful Metro UI, says secret source WHITE PAPER: Nasuni Corp Increasing Productivity of Distributed Teams The Walsh Group, with close to 20 offices worldwide needed a global file share that could deliver the same information to all their offices without sacrificing performance or data security. Learn More In this Issue
WHITE PAPER: Velocity Technology Solutions, Inc. SDCRAA Case Study: Adapting ERP to business needs This case study goes in depth about San Diego County Regional Airport Authority's created flexibility for a changing industry. Learn More JR Raphael: What Google really gained from owning Motorola Preston Gralla: Microsoft cries 'uncle' on Windows 8 -- 8.1 update boots straight to desktop JR Raphael: Please, Lenovo: Don't screw up what Motorola started WHITE PAPER: BMC Software Big Data, Big Opportunity New platforms like Hadoop are being used to gain a competitive advantage through big data. Learn More Preston Gralla: Why Google's Motorola sell-off is very good news for Windows Phone Sharon Machlis: Super Bowl data point: All wins aren't equal Robert L. Mitchell: SocialRadar: A personal data aggregator in your pocket Sharky: Where vendors get their ideas | | |||||||
FREE SHARK TANK T-SHIRT DIGITAL SPOTLIGHT: THE CONSUMERIZATION OF TECHNOLOGY In our in-depth report, we chronicle how Android is exploding in the enterprise, document how mobile device management is morphing to meet new demands, reflect on the ways Google has developed into a surprisingly powerful ecosystem for end users, and share observations on BYOD's role in spawning a new army of empowered workers. This free, 28-page magazine-style report is available now. [Registration required] To read the report, click here. KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST NEWS ON CONSUMERIZATION JOIN THE COMPUTERWORLD CONVERSATION ON GOOGLE + CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | |||||||||
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