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| Upgrade, downgrade WHITE PAPER: SAS How Social Media Can Shape Perceptions of Product Quality Descriptive statistics, text analytics and social network analysis provide a way for to determine how customers purchasing decisions are affected by what they see on the Internet. This paper describes how analytics can be applied to social media for monitoring and addressing perceptual quality. View Now Negotiation tips for IT pros | | |||||||
FREE SHARK TANK T-SHIRT DIGITAL SPOTLIGHT: THE CONSUMERIZATION OF TECHNOLOGY In our in-depth report, we chronicle how Android is exploding in the enterprise, document how mobile device management is morphing to meet new demands, reflect on the ways Google has developed into a surprisingly powerful ecosystem for end users, and share observations on BYOD's role in spawning a new army of empowered workers. This free, 28-page magazine-style report is available now. [Registration required] To read the report, click here. 2014 BEST PLACES TO WORK IN IT: CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Is your IT department a great place to work? Our 21st annual Best Places to Work in IT list and special report will honor 100 organizations that offer great benefits, salaries and opportunities for training and advancement, as well as interesting projects and a flexible and diverse work environment. Nominations are open now through Dec. 13. COMPUTERWORLD'S 2014 SALARY SURVEY How will your salary compare with your IT peers? Computerworld's 28th Annual Salary Survey will feature the latest IT salary trends and advice on where to find the best-paying jobs. This year's survey participants can enter a drawing to win 1 of 3 American Express gift cards for $500 each! The drawing is open to legal U.S. residents, age 18 or older. Take our annual Salary Surveytoday! KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST NEWS ON CONSUMERIZATION JOIN THE COMPUTERWORLD CONVERSATION ON GOOGLE + CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | |||||||||
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