Thursday, April 18, 2013

Apple sold 35-38M iPhones last quarter, analysts say

  Google tells Explorers: No selling Glass | Microsoft files patent for new open windows viewer
  Computerworld Wrap-Up

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Apple sold 35-38M iPhones last quarter, analysts say
Apple sold approximately 38 million iPhones in the first quarter, an 8% increase over what it sold in the same quarter a year ago, an analyst said today. Read More


Webinar: Use Mobile to Create Meetings That Matter
The "mother of all binders" is typically given out at the start of a multiday national sales meeting, a new product launch and/or a training session. But in a mobile environment, where most employees have tablets and smartphones, this no longer makes sense. Attend this webinar to learn how Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals is using Mobiquity Velocity software to turbocharge its national sales meetings, increasing employee engagement through competitions and leaderboards and thereby improving performance.

In this Issue

WHITE PAPER: serVelocity

Six Keys for Services to Maximize PSA Implementation Success
Even for successful services organizations, transformational initiatives are simply very challenging to deliver. Spending relatively little time in the early stages of PSA implementations ensures success through agreed upon outcomes, business and process design changes, and the commitment to managing organizational change. Learn more.

Google tells Explorers: No selling Glass
Think you'll make a bundle when you put your Explorer Edition of Google Glass up for grabs on eBay? Think again. Read More

Microsoft files patent for new open windows viewer
Microsoft last week filed a patent application for a new method of browsing through open windows on the desktop that builds on an older, now-abandoned feature in Windows Vista and Windows 7. Read More

House approves CISPA despite privacy objections
The U.S. House of Representatives has voted to approve a controversial cyberthreat information-sharing bill, despite opposition from the White House and several privacy and digital rights groups. Read More

NASA finds two planets that could hold life -- 1,200 light years away
NASA's Kepler space telescope has found two planets that are perfectly sized and positioned to potentially hold life. Read More

Twitter unveils new #music app and service
Twitter today is releasing a service that the social network hopes will change how people find music and artists. Read More

BroadSoft CEO: Here's why communications is moving to the cloud
You might not know BroadSoft if you're not in thetelecommunications space. But if you use a hosted unifiedcommunications service from a provider like Verizon, Swisscom, or any of about 500 othertelcos around the world, you may be a BroadSoft customer withoutrealizing it. Read More

Yahoo launches new weather, email apps in its 'second sprint' of rebuilding
Yahoo has released two new mobile apps, for weather and email, suggesting the company may be on track toward delivering on its promise of offering users a range of new mobile products over the next several months. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Cisco Systems

Mobilize: A unified IT approach to the mobile workspace
Why does unification matter for today's enterprise? The answer can be found by looking to today's defining trends. The consumerization of IT, BYOD, mobility-based business models--they're all transforming how employees work and customers engage. Read Now

QuickPoll: What do you think is the real reason for sluggish Windows PC sales?
The recent analysis from IDC that 2013's first-quarter PC sales have declined by 14% year over year lays the blame at the feet of Windows 8. Do you think their assessment was correct? Read More

Software licensing in the cloud
When a customer controls cloud-deployed applications, the software-licensing issues can get complicated. Read More

Verizon posts gains on mobile, Fios growth in Q1
Verizon Communications reported an increase in revenue and a double-digit spike in net income for the first quarter of 2013, compared to a year earlier, driven largely by gains in mobile customers and in revenue from its Fios service. Read More

Google gets consumer service ultimatum from German consumer groups
Google received an ultimatum Thursday from German consumer organizations that want it to start answering questions from its users via email. Read More

Jonny Evans: How Apple's iPhone has already changed the planet
I've come across a pair of images which show how Apple's iPhone (and the smartphones that followed) have already transformed the way we experience the world -- the evidence is right before your eyes, take a look.. Read More

Darlene Storm: Cool: DARPA self-destructing tech & 4D-printed tech that 'shapeshifts'
DARPA wants self-destructing electronics, a bit like messages in Mission Impossible. A potential way to go about this might be with shapeshifting 4D-printed technology. Read More

Preston Gralla: Nokia sales figures show Windows Phone continues to fall futher behind Android, iOS
Nokia may be bragging about its latest sales figures which show sales of the Windows Phone-based Lumia series increasing by 27 percent, but the truth is, with each passing month Windows Phone falls further and further behind iOS and Android. Increases of 27% and more only put Windows Phone deeper into its hole. Read More


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IDC analysts blamed Windows 8 for the unprecedented 14% fall-off in consumer PC purchases during 2013's first-quarter. What do you think is the real reason for sluggish Windows PC sales?

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 1:35 PM Kategori:


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