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Analytics, Platform Migration, IT Consolidation, Big Data, and IT Workload Automation.
Welcome to the VoicesOn Friday Roundup. This week, we bring you white papers on Analytics, Platform Migration, IT Consolidation, Big Data, and IT Workload Automation.
Analytics: An Inside Perspective Kelley Blue Book Puts a High Value on Analytics
In this webinar conclusions paper, Shawn Hushman, Vice President of Enterprise Analytics for Kelley Blue Book, describes how his company embedded SAS® Analytics into all those facets of the business - creating a culture of analytics by gaining the necessary executive commitment, analytics talent, technology infrastructure and workflow.
IBM's Migration Factory: Tools, Metrics, Automation, Process Expertise, and Project Management
There are significant cost and performance advantages in migrating from Oracle or HP platforms to Power Systems. In order to mitigate the risks in moving, IBM offers a Migration Factory to partner with clients throughout their transition. Read the white paper to learn more about the advanced tools, metrics and workshops available with this service.
Five Steps to Successful IT Consolidation
Has your Enterprisemade the strategic decision to consolidate remote site IT infrastructure into central data centers? Then you have probably discovered that consolidation projects are fraught with technical, organization, and implementation challenges that require a well thought-out strategy. Download this paper by Riverbed and discover a clear 5-step approach to making sure every consolidation project is successful.
JBoss Data Grid: Big Data = Big Opportunities
Is data changing the way you do business? Data-driven applications enhance online customer experiences, leading to higher customer satisfaction and retention, and increased purchasing. The challenge is that the capture, retention, and use of all of this data can be costly to scale and manage. Red Hat is well aware of the Big Data challenge and it's impact. Providing a means to more effectively scale the data tier gives enterprises a flexible and cost-effective means to do more with their applications.
Forrester Study/Paper Commissioned by BMC, Industrializing IT Workload Automation
At BMC, we believe that unified workload automation is the future of job scheduling. So we decided to prove it. We commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate the benefits of work loadautomation. Who needs it? Why? Is there a more strategic way to schedule jobs across the enterprise? How can workload automation help IT better serve the business?
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