Monday, April 16, 2012

Lessons for IT, Apple in Flashback brouhaha

  Apple, Chinese environmental group to audit factory for pollution issues | Apple Flashback Malware Removal Includes Innovative Approach to Reducing Risk for Macs
  Computerworld Operating Systems

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Lessons for IT, Apple in Flashback brouhaha
Although the number of Flashback-infected Macs is on the decline, the reverberations from the outbreak will affect Apple and the businesses that have increasingly adopted Macs. Columnist Ryan Faas explains. Read More


Getting Started with DB2 Application Development
Learn how easy it is to get started on DB2 application development. This e-book includes topics such as using DB2 Express-C, writing SQL statements, working with open source tools and more. Read Now

WHITE PAPER: Imation Scalable Storage

7 Simple Truths About Tiering Your Data
Dealing with the explosion of extreme data means more than containing it all. It's about determining what data is most useful to your business and where "speed meets need." Learn how you can use data tiering to transform unstructured data into "content" while keeping protection high and costs low. View Now

Apple, Chinese environmental group to audit factory for pollution issues
Apple and a Chinese environmental group for the first time plan to jointly audit one of the company's supplier factories in China, in what could lead to more open inspections of Apple's suppliers for pollution concerns. Read More

Apple Flashback Malware Removal Includes Innovative Approach to Reducing Risk for Macs
Better late than never? Apple has released the third Java update in a week for Mac OS X, and this one contains the tool to remove the Flashback malware from infected systems. Beneath the belated fix to help users eradicate the threat, Apple has introduced a proactive approach to reducing security risk that other vendors should take note of. Read More

IT Blogwatch: Android on trial: Oracle v Google circus opens today
Android is under legal attack from Oracle (NASDAQ:ORCL), for intellectual property violations. Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) argues that the copyright claims have no legal basis and that the patents are invalid. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers break out the popcorn as the case finally reaches trial.   Read More

Jonny Evans: Apple's pro Final Cut Pro X upgrades, Mac Pro ships soon?
Apple's news on new pro features within a future Final Cut Pro X update suggests new Mac Pro models may follow the appearance this month of PCs featuring Intel's latest powerful Trigate chip. Though Apple's keeping its schedule a secret.   Read More

Flashback Mac botnet shrinks, says Symantec
The number of Macs infected with the Flashback malware has plummeted in the last few days, antivirus vendor Symantec said today. Read More

Why Switching OS Platforms Is Not a Security Fix
It has been a rallying cry against Microsoft Windows for years: to avoid malware and security issues, just stop using Windows. The mantra has traditionally been embraced by both Mac and Linux users, but as Mac OS X users deal with the fallout from the Flashback malware attack, some Linux supporters are turning the tired attack even against the Apple OS. Read More


Case Study: Firm Optimizes Storage, Shrinks Backup Window
By optimizing its existing storage environment, multi-skilled architectural firm RHWL reduced backup times from 14 hours to 1.5 hours, slashed tape and offsite storage costs, and eliminated the need to purchase additional tier 1 storage. Read More!

The Night Sky for iPhone and iPad
The Night Sky from iCandiApps is a stargazing app for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. You point your iOS device skyward, and see a real-time, geolocated display of the heavenly bodies overhead--stars, constellations, planets, satellites, and galaxies. Read More

Samsung set to show off next Galaxy smartphone
Samsung Electronics is expected to show the next flagship Galaxy smartphone at an event in London on May 3. Read More

Apple fails to reach agreement with Australian competition regulator
Apple failed in a mediation session on Monday to reach agreement with Australia's competition regulator on remedies for allegedly misleading consumers about the 4G capabilities of its latest iPad. Read More

Apple: DOJ's ebook price-fixing accusation 'not true'
Apple has issued a rare public comment in response to the price fixing lawsuit filed against it and several large ebook publishers by the U.S. Department of Justice. Read More

Preston Gralla: Google says snooping on Wi-Fi networks isn't illegal
The fallout from Google collecting private information such as email from people's WiFi networks several years ago just got worse. Google claims that it did nothing illegal by snooping on people's private unencrypted WiFi networks, including gathering private emails, private passwords, and more. Read More

Apple delivers Flashback malware hunter-killer
Two days after Apple promised to decontaminate Macs infested with the Flashback malware, on Thursday the company delivered. Read More



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More than 600,000 Macs have been infected with a new version of the Flashback Trojan horse that's being installed on people's computers with the help of Java exploits. How does this infection affect Apple's reputation for security?

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 10:59 AM Kategori:


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