FAQ: What you need to know about CISPA | Down but not out: Conficker camouflages new Windows infections | ||||||||||
Computerworld First Look | ||||||||||
RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: IT Roadmap 2012 IT Roadmap Returns to Dallas All new conference program designed to deliver more value: more peer session, more analysts, more sessions. Still no cost to you. Hear the latest strategies for cloud, mobile & consumerization, VoIP, network management and more. Visit http://www.itroadmap.net/2012Dallas/nlp to learn more. In this Issue
WHITE PAPER: Cisco Private Cloud: Lessons Learned Along the Way A recent IDG Research Services study confirms that the private cloud is indeed full of promise. Agility. Efficiency. Cost savings. But realizing those rewards can be an arduous path. Now, you can leverage what Cisco learned on their own path to the private cloud. View Now FAQ: What you need to know about CISPA Down but not out: Conficker camouflages new Windows infections Snow Leopard users most prone to Flashback infection The NFL thrives on big, except in IT Elgan: I have seen the future (And it's made of glass) Does the iPad cannibalize Apple's laptops? From CIO.com: Are BYOD Workers More Productive? WEBCAST: IBM How to Take Business Analytics to the Next Level Live Date and Time: November 29, 2011 - 12:00 PM EST / 9:00 AM PST By attending this webcast you will learn how you can implement an effective BA strategy that will deliver maximum strategic value to your company. Register Now Yahoo claims Facebook bought patents to countersue it Microsoft links Metro theme to jQuery Mobile, Windows Phone Sen. Grassley to allow vote on FCC nominees despite LightSquared worries FCC moves to crack down on phone bill cramming Net neutrality provision gets 5.9% of AT&T shareholder votes Jonny Evans: Ex-Apple's Woz says 'iPhone best, but Windows bests Android' IT Blogwatch: Did Google tell Wi-Fi-spy lie? Bloggers say yes. | ||||||||||
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CALL FOR ENTRIES -- COMPUTERWORLD'S BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE BEST IN CLASS 2012 If your organization's BI project is innovative, has positively impacted your business and has produced ROI, then we want to see your case study! In our upcoming Aug. 27 issue, we will showcase a select group of the biggest (and most fascinating) business decisions to which BI has contributed. Case study submissions will be accepted now through April 27. Submit your nomination using the above link. COMPUTERWORLD'S IT SALARY SURVEY 2012 A majority of IT workers say they're under pressure to increase productivity and take on new tasks. But the vast majority are still happy they picked IT as their career. SHARK TANK OF THE DAY This IT pilot fish is checking the control system for a pharmaceutical company's new packaging assembly line, and the final mechanical tweaks seem to be fine. But why is the line suddenly accelerating? CAST YOUR VOTE IN THIS WEEK'S QUICKPOLL Omissions from the feature set of Windows RT are leaving analysts increasingly skeptical that enterprises will gravitate toward tablets running the new forked version of Windows. Is Windows RT on tablets DOA because it lacks needed enterprise features? NEW COMPUTERWORLD JOB BOARD | ||||||||||
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