Tuesday, October 4, 2011

NEC to ship OpenFlow switch for Microsoft Windows Server 8 Hyper-V

  Cisco and Microsoft cooperate to bring network-layer management to Hyper-V | Opinion: Cisco, Microsoft cooperation on virtual switching gives customers new option
  Computerworld Virtualization

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NEC to ship OpenFlow switch for Microsoft Windows Server 8 Hyper-V
Chalk up another big partnership win for Microsofts Hyper-V from the world of virtual, programmable switching. NEC's OpenFlow-based network fabric, ProgrammableFlow, will be integrated with Windows Server 8 and Hyper-V when Windows Server 8 becomes available, NEC says. Read More


Case Study: Twitter
As their traffic grew at an unprecedented rate, Dyn allowed Twitter to seamlessly transition to a secure/stable enterprise level solution. The transition has allowed Twitter to take advantage of delivering better network performance and traffic management, because they're kind of a big deal these days. Read more


Raise QoS in vSphere*4 with Dell & Intel
The industry transition to 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) is creating new quality of service (QoS) challenges. This paper examines best practices for analyzing, monitoring and controlling bandwidth in VMware vSphere 4.1 environments when using Dell servers and Intel Ethernet 10 Gigabit server adapters. Click to continue

Cisco and Microsoft cooperate to bring network-layer management to Hyper-V
Windows Server 8 looks promising enough that Cisco it is queuing up two new products designed to extend its network controls to Hyper-V virtual environments when Microsoft releases Windows Server 8 sometime next year. Read More

Opinion: Cisco, Microsoft cooperation on virtual switching gives customers new option
Cisco support will make Microsoft's Hyper-V environment more attractive to corporate customers, but it remains to be seen whether that's enough for Hyper-V to give VMware's ESXi a run for its money. Read More


Read now
HP's Converged Infrastructure incorporates tools that make remote support and management efficient and effective. HP Insight Control, for example, helps reduce server deployment time from four hours to just 20 minutes, a 12-fold decrease in deployment time. Read now

Review: vSphere5 sets the virtualization bar
VSphere 5.0, the latest iteration of VMware's "Cloud Operating System," boasts a wealth of updates, including new tools to manage fleets of VMs, and vast tiers of virtualized, vMotion-enabled storage links. Read More

Mac virtualization face-off: VMware Fusion 4 vs. Parallels Desktop 7
Neither Fusion nor Parallels offer major improvements for Windows users, but they add welcome support for Mac OS X Lion virtual machines. Read More

On CIO.com: Virtualization: Building blocks to achieve benefits
Collabworks believes that the kinds of savings and efficiencies that virtualization has brought to IT can be brought to entire companies by reorganizing workplaces along the lines of what has happened in IT. As IT only accounts for around 3% of total corporate costs, if Collabworks' theory is right, there's clearly great opportunity for enterprises. Read More


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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 6:43 AM Kategori:


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