Monday, October 3, 2011

4G smartphones compared

  Amazon unveils Kindle Fire, its entry into the tablet fray | Nokia and RIM, pioneers in wireless, seem to be on the ropes
  Computerworld Mobile/Wireless Computing

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4G smartphones compared
View and compare smartphone models by size, weight, OS, carrier, screen and more. Read More


Raise QoS in vSphere*4 with Dell & Intel
The industry transition to 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) is creating new quality of service (QoS) challenges. This paper examines best practices for analyzing, monitoring and controlling bandwidth in VMware vSphere 4.1 environments when using Dell servers and Intel Ethernet 10 Gigabit server adapters. Click to continue


Connecting to the Cloud with F5 and VMware vMotion
Learn how load balancing Application Delivery Controllers (ADC) can substantially reduce expenses in traditional and virtualized architectures with a fast ROI. F5 customers have maximized their ROI by simply employing SSL offload, compression offload, and TCP optimization. Read More Today!

Amazon unveils Kindle Fire, its entry into the tablet fray
Amazon unveiled its tablet computer, the $199 Android-based Kindle Fire during a Manhattan launch event. Read More

Nokia and RIM, pioneers in wireless, seem to be on the ropes
Nokia and RIM, two of the pioneers in wireless communications, are now scrambling to adjust to newcomers such as Apple and Google Read More

Massive security vulnerability in HTC Android phones claimed
Security researchers say they've uncovered a flaw in several smartphone models produced by HTC that gives any application that has Internet access the keys to a trove of information on the phone, including e-mail addresses, GPS locations, phone numbers, and text message data. Read More

First look: Google Wallet let's you tap 'n' spend
Google's smartphone payment app, Google Wallet, has brought the ease of paying for goods with the tap of a phone to America. Read More

Adapteva aims 64-core chip at tablets, smartphones
Smartphones and tablets are demanding more computing power, and chip company Adapteva hopes to bring server-type performance to the devices with a chip it is announcing on Monday. Read More

Amazon's Fire no iPad killer, experts say
Amazon's new Fire tablet may disrupt the Android market, but it's unlikely to have a significant impact on Apple's iPad business, analysts said. Read More


The Decline of Hardware Load Balancing
Dyn takes a lighter look at the sad decline of hardware Load Balancing and why companies are turning to DNS to manage their Web traffic. Once the gold standard, these hardware Load Balancers, with their costly and constant upgrades are now becoming obsolete and Dyn can't help but feel partially responsible. Learn more

Samsung unveils Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus
Samsung announced the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus tablet, an update that is lighter and more powerful than the original, and that runs a 1.2 GHz dual core processor. Read More

Microsoft starts gradual rollout of Windows Phone 7.5 'Mango' update
Microsoft began its rollout of the Windows Phone 7.5 "Mango" update to smartphones. Read More

JR Raphael: AT&T's Samsung Galaxy S II: The verdict is in
AT&T's Galaxy S II is smaller than Sprint's model, but it's no less powerful -- or pleasant on the eyes. Read More

RIM calls report of PlayBook's demise 'pure fiction'
Research in Motion said Thursday that it remains committed to the PlayBook tablet and the tablet market, discounting an analyst's report that said the death of the tablet is imminent. Read More

Citigroup questions whether U.S. spectrum shortage exists
For more than two years, the U.S. mobile industry has warned of an upcoming spectrum shortage, but two analysts at Citigroup don't buy it. Read More

Jonny Evans: HSPA+ iPhone will be world's smartest smartphone
I've gathered all the freshest iPhone 5 claims in this post. Expect the fifth-generation smartphone to be faster, sleeker and better-connected than ever before. Read More

Barbara Krasnoff: Amazon's Kindle Fire and Kindle Touch: The "razors" of the mobile market
It looks like Amazon has finally learned the lesson of the razor: Sell a razor -- or a Kindle -- at a cut-rate price, and people will spend a lot of money buying blades. Read More



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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 6:27 AM Kategori:


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