A high credit score is more than just a number. It can have a big impact on how much you pay for insurance, whether you get your dream house or apartment, and sometimes whether or not you get the job you've always wanted. Take a deeper dive into how good credit can benefit you, and how you can start building yours today. April 24, 2024 |
You Should Clean Your Washer and Dryer More Often Than You Think |
Although your washer cleans your clothes every time you run a load, it's not cleaning itself — life is ironic like that. Minerals from hard water, detergent, grime, and mold build up over time, causing clothes to smell less fresh and hindering your machine from operating efficiently. Fortunately, it doesn't take too much elbow grease to make your washer and dryer as good as new. |
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7 Ways Good Credit Can Make Life Easier — and Save You Money |
A high credit score is more than just a number. It can have a big impact on how much you pay for insurance, whether you get your dream house or apartment, and sometimes whether or not you get the job you've always wanted. Take a deeper dive into how good credit can benefit you, and how you can start building yours today. |
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How Often Should You Water Indoor Plants? |
Nothing spruces up a home quite like a plant. Research has shown that when we bring plants indoors, we reap all sorts of benefits: lower stress levels, greater focus, reduced depression, cleaner air, and quicker recovery from illness. But no one wants a plant that requires too much effort to maintain — especially if it has a strict watering schedule. These seven popular house plants are not only beautiful but easy to care for. |
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