Wednesday, March 27, 2024

5 Foods You’re Washing Wrong

Nothing sours an appetite like gathering a forkful of salad and spotting a clump of dirt, browned leaves, or tiny bugs. Yuck! You might think running the leaves under cold water for a few seconds is enough to eliminate the dirt and bacteria on your fresh produce, but some foods require extra care to ensure a thorough cleaning.

March 27, 2024

5 Foods You're Washing Wrong
Nothing sours an appetite like gathering a forkful of salad and spotting a clump of dirt, browned leaves, or tiny bugs. Yuck! You might think running the leaves under cold water for a few seconds is enough to eliminate the dirt and bacteria on your fresh produce, but some foods require extra care to ensure a thorough cleaning.
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Are Q-Tips Bad for You? How to Safely Clean Your Ears
There's no way around it: Earwax is gross. Talking about it is more gross. However, the soft substance inside our ears serves a valuable and necessary purpose and shouldn't be a taboo subject. And while many of us might want to reach for a Q-tip to clear away the sticky substance, the reality is that the cleaning method hurts more than it helps.
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Stick Your Head in the Freezer for Better Sleep — No, Seriously
Everyone wants a good night's sleep, but it's often easier said than done. Stress and anxiety can keep us up later than we'd like, leaving us tossing, turning, and looking for relief. However, before you turn to supplements and sleep aids, consider changing your routine. Healthier habits and non-traditional treatments (including — yes — sticking your head in the freezer) will pay off at bedtime.
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10 Products Better Report Readers Love
The internet is a black hole when it comes to shopping, and it's very easy to get caught up in buying products that you think you need — but never end up using. (Note to self: Time to clean out the junk drawer.) So, we're here to help. At Better Report, we love recommending products that we believe in, but what we love more is recommending products that YOU stand by. We rounded up the top 10 products that Better Report readers purchased last month, and one thing became clear: These products will make your life easier.
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When Should You Pay Cash vs. Finance a Purchase?
You've got your heart set on purchasing your dreams: a nicer couch, a new car, or even something as simple as an upgraded phone. Once all of the finer details are out of the way, however, you find yourself given the choice to either pay the total cost immediately or finance your purchase. What do you do? If you have the money to pay for it outright, you might be tempted to buy it right away — but paying for your purchase in installments also sounds like a great way of avoiding the shock of a large buy. So, what is the best way to pay for your purchase? The answer is dependent on who you are as a consumer and spender.
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