Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Security startup spotlight: Illusive Networks

Shooting this robot helps make better soldiers

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ITworld Today

Mar 02, 2016
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Security startup spotlight: Illusive Networks

At the RSA Innovation Sandbox, CSO checks in with Illusive Networks, which plans on utilizing "Deceptions" across the network to trick hackers trying to break into a company's system. Watch Now

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White Paper: ForgeRock

Customer-Focused Organizations Must Take a Strategic Approach to "Identity Relationship Management"

In conducting online surveys of 111 B2C and B2B2C executives with responsibility for IAM, Forrester found that new business and technical demands require a strategic focus for which existing IAM infrastructure may not be sufficient. Read More

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Shooting this robot helps make better soldiers

These are target robots, developed by an Australian company for use on military training ranges. The U.S Marine Corp recently tested them out in California as potential replacements for the paper targets used today. Watch Now

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Apple goofed in several ways in fight with FBI over data encryption, renowned cryptographer says

Adi Shamir, co-creator of the widely used RSA cryptographic algorithm, believes that Apple should have assisted the FBI in decrypting the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters and choose to resist in a future situation. Read More

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World's top cryptographers on encryption backdoors: No way

Backdoors to break into encrypted communications are a bad idea from a confidentiality point of view, but Congress needs to act to decide how to balance that with the needs of law enforcement to catch terrorists and major criminals, some of the world's top cryptographers told the RSA Conference 2016. Read More

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How to get started with Google Analytics

Google Analytics can provide valuable online insights for marketers and website managers. Unfortunately, GA has a bit of a learning curve. Here's a beginner's guide to the basics. Read More

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5 ways ecommerce businesses can improve customer service

Ecommerce and customer experience experts discuss how mobility and younger consumers have changed the nature of online customer service – and how companies have responded. Read More

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8 signs you're about to be laid off

Though the economy is improving, it's still possible for IT pros to face a downsizing. How can you tell when to jump ship? Look for these eight signs. Read More

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BYOD continues to add challenges for IT leaders

A recent study shows that more workers are turning to personal mobile devices to get work done, but businesses need to consider not only the security threats, but also the effect on company culture. Read More

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How much security can you turn over to AI?

Machine learning and behavioral analytics could help you detect attacks faster – or stop them before they even start. Read More

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Adoptable storage in Android 6.0: What it is, how it works

Google is no longer treating microSD cards like second-class storage. Read More

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A robot will likely assist in your future surgery

Robots that can minimize damage to tissue with sub-millimeter accuracy and allow surgeons to operate on patients remotely are expected to be a $6.4 billion industry by 2020. Read More

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Facebook faces privacy policy antitrust investigation in Germany

Facebook may be abusing a dominant position in the market for social networks to impose unfair privacy policies on its users, Germany's antitrust authority suspects. Read More

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WebAssembly may go live in browsers this year

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NSA seeks to combine offense and defense in its spy efforts

NSA chief Michael Rogers argues against a presidential commission's proposal to restrict the NSA to foreign intelligence, and asks the tech industry for help Read More

White Paper: ForgeRock

ForgeRock Identity Platform: Forging a New Future with Identity Relationship Management

ForgeRock's next-generation IRM platform is designed to empower CEOs and enterprises to engage with consumers via new revenue-generating services, while continuing to maintain our proven traditional IAM capabilities. Read More

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 7:02 AM Kategori:


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