Monday, November 24, 2014

Attention to detail: It's how borders stay secure

How to create seamless mobile security for employees |

Computerworld Daily Shark

Attention to detail: It's how borders stay secure
This pilot fish's company has sold a system for checking passports at an international airport. But one day fish gets a phone call from the border police: "The server doesn't work." Read More

WHITE PAPER: Binary Tree

SMART: Best Practices for Migrating the Corporate Directory
A cornerstone of any IT infrastructure, Microsoft Active Directory plays a central role, determining access to and usage rights for IT resources. Migrating AD to a new environment must be planned and managed carefully using best practices, while maintaining operations and user functionality. Learn More

How to create seamless mobile security for employees
If your organization's security procedures are disruptive and clunky, frustrated employees will figure out how to get around them. Here's how three companies created a secure and seamless experience for end users. Read More

Digital Spotlight: Mobile Security

Read how to make your workers smart about mobile security by moving beyond policies and penalties and embracing an approach designed to identify and correct specific problem behaviors.

View the Digital Spotlight now. [Registration required]

Take our Salary Survey!

Computerworld's 2015 Salary Survey: How will your salary compare with your IT peers? Computerworld's 29th Annual Salary Survey will feature the latest IT salary trends and advice on where to find the best-paying jobs. This year's survey participants can enter a drawing to win one of 3 American Express gift cards for $500 each! The drawing is open to legal U.S. residents, age 18 or older.

Take our annual Salary Survey today!.

Is your IT department a great place to work?

Computerworld is seeking to identify the 100 top workplaces for IT professionals for our 22d annual Best Places to Work in IT list.

We invite Computerworld readers, HR and PR professionals and other interested parties to nominate organizations, in any industry, that they think are providing great working environments for IT employees, including challenging work, fair pay and ample training opportunities.

Nominate a company now through Dec. 14, 2014.

Computerworld's Digital Magazine

Computerworld's monthly Digital Magazine showcases articles, analysis and commentary on important trends in enterprise IT, in core departments such as News Analysis, Features, Opinions and Shark Tank. The new digital format offers seamless navigation, with easy scrolling and zooming, and links to useful related stories. The November edition is available now [Registration required]:

To read the issue, click here.

Free Shark Tank T-shirt
Clueless Consultants? Bungling Bosses? Useless Users? Tell me your tale. If it gets published, you get a sharp Shark shirt. Shark Tank FAQ

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 5:25 AM Kategori:


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