Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Ad tracking: Is anything being done?

HTC One (M8) deep-dive review: Smartphone sophistication made better | Apple patches Safari's Pwn2Own vulnerability, two-dozen other critical bugs

Computerworld First Look

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Ad tracking: Is anything being done?
Online tracking is on the rise, but efforts to create a practical Do Not Track policy have slowed to a crawl. Meanwhile, users and browser companies are taking matters into their own hands. Read More


Trending now: Consumerization of enterprise IT
You've heard about consumerization...but how can you use it to give your organization a competitive edge? Find out at the third annual Consumerization of IT in the Enterprise (CITE) April 27–29 in San Francisco. Learn how consumer-driven technology can transform your business, your workplace, and your customer relationships. Learn more

In this Issue

RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: Help Desk Technology Corporation

Drive Down Help Desk Costs by using Collaborative Workflow
Collaborative workflow is a hybrid system that combines service management (workflow) software with social software (such as chat, instant messaging, and document collaboration). The synergy between the two provides project structure and measureable goals, while facilitating communications and interactions typical of social software. Discover rich functionality including help desk, ITIL, document management, calendaring, built-in projects, remote screen sharing, business rules, dashboards, asset management, chargeback, custom data designer, encryption, and more.

HTC One (M8) deep-dive review: Smartphone sophistication made better
HTC is working to bring a sense of luxury to its smartphones -- and with its new HTC One (M8), it's closer than ever to delivering the ultimate high-end device. Read More

Apple patches Safari's Pwn2Own vulnerability, two-dozen other critical bugs
Apple on Tuesday patched the security vulnerability in Safari that was successfully exploited at last month's Pwn2Own hacking contest, where a team cracked the browser to win $65,000. Read More

Climate change could blunt tech's travel culture
A new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change summarizes the growing consequences of global warming -- rising sea levels and threats to health, food supplies, water resources and species. Read More

Apple demands over $2B from Samsung for patent infringement
Samsung should pay more than US$2 billion for repeated infringement of Apple patents in more than 37 million smartphones sold in the U.S., a Silicon Valley jury was told Tuesday as a trial between the two companies got underway after more than two years of preparation. Read More

Newton is the first MIPS-based mini-computer for wearables
A Chinese company has released a computer about the size of an SD card that can run a full version of Android and should make it easier to build wearable devices. Read More

Apple looks to buy Renesas chip joint venture
Apple is said to be in talks with Renesas Electronics to buy its majority-owned joint venture that designs chips for smartphone displays. Read More

Google touts extra encryption for Gmail, remains mum on other apps
Google recently trumpeted that it now encrypts Gmail messages while shuffling them among its data centers, an extra security layer aimed at thwarting government and criminal snoops, but didn't say if it applies this protection to its other applications. Read More


Are You Prepared for a Software Audit?
Just the word "audit" is enough to make anyone shiver, and when it comes to a software audit, the reaction is no different. A software publisher can exercise its rights to conduct a software audit to check that a customer is using its products in accordance with the End User License Agreement (EULA). View Now

Apple exec takes jury back to dawn of the iPhone -- 2007
Apple marketing chief Phil Schiller took a California courtroom on a trip back to 2007 on Tuesday afternoon, recalling how Apple 'bet the company' on development of the iPhone Read More

Microsoft Windows can't keep partying like it's 1999
Microsoft partners, developers and customers may get a clearer picture this week of how the company plans to keep Windows relevant now that its rock-solid position in the market has been shaken up by competitors, shifts in technology and the lukewarm reception of recent releases. Read More

Google seeks Supreme Court review of Wi-Fi packet sniffing ruling
Google has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review a decision by an appeals court that its collection of data from unencrypted Wi-Fi networks is not exempt under federal wiretap laws. Read More

BlackBerry won't renew T-Mobile pact
BlackBerry will not renew the license of T-Mobile U.S. to sell its products when it expires later this month, the smartphone maker said. Read More

U.S. Navy to test humanoid robotic firefighters
Some day, if there's a fire on a U.S. naval ship, a humanoid robot may rush in to put it out. Read More

Jonny Evans: Wearable computing means the death of the smartphone
For wearables to really take off, they will have to cannibalize the smartphone, just as mobile devices have cannibalized the PC. Read More

Richi Jennings: Huge Chromebook sales growth. Will 2019 be the year of the Linux desktop?
Shut up and give Google your data. The Chromebook platform goes from strength to strength. Market researchers say they're selling faster than ever, predicting 11 million sales (in... err... 2019). And it's not just consumers buying them. Some enterprises are choosing to move most of their Windows users to Chrome OS -- motivated by the XP end-of-life and cost savings. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers ponder the wisdom of Chromebooks and Chromeboxes in the enterprise. Read More

Clueless Consultants? Bungling Bosses? Useless Users? Tell me your tale. If it gets published, you get a sharp Shark shirt. Shark Tank FAQ


In this special issue, we examine the biggest challenges with big data projects, including the immaturity of the tools, a lack of people with expertise in big data technologies, the challenge of making the right investments and hardware that can't handle big data projects.

This free, 17-page magazine-style report is available now. [Registration required]

To read the report, click here.

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 5:56 AM Kategori:


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