Thursday, April 3, 2014

7 all-in-one security suites: Anti-malware for all your devices

  Cortana's voice is synthesized in part from an AI character in Halo | Intel plans new 'Braswell' chip for PCs

  Computerworld First Look

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7 all-in-one security suites: Anti-malware for all your devices
Today's security suites try to protect all (or most) of your devices, and provide Web-based management. We examine how seven major applications compare in terms of features, ease of use and which devices they actually protect. Read More


Winning the Paper Wars
In this report, AIIM looks at the reasons for this poor progress, measure the adoption of digital mailrooms, chart the progress of mobile capture, and show which paper-free processes are the most effective. Learn More

RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: Help Desk Technology Corporation

Drive Down Help Desk Costs by using Collaborative Workflow
Collaborative workflow is a hybrid system that combines service management (workflow) software with social software (such as chat, instant messaging, and document collaboration). The synergy between the two provides project structure and measureable goals, while facilitating communications and interactions typical of social software. Discover rich functionality including help desk, ITIL, document management, calendaring, built-in projects, remote screen sharing, business rules, dashboards, asset management, chargeback, custom data designer, encryption, and more.

Cortana's voice is synthesized in part from an AI character in Halo
Cortana, Microsoft's new digital assistant for Windows Phone 8.1, gets her name from a fictional character in the popular Halo video game series. Read More

Intel plans new 'Braswell' chip for PCs
Intel is preparing a new 'Braswell' chip to succeed its power-efficient Bay Trail processor found in PCs besides working on bringing over 20 Chromebook designs to the market this year. Read More

NASA severs most of its Russian ties
NASA announced late Wednesday that because of continuing tensions with the Russian government, it is scaling back work with Russia's space agency. Read More

EU votes net neutrality into law, abolishes mobile roaming charges
Blocking and throttling Internet traffic will become illegal in the European Union following a parliamentary vote on Thursday. Read More

The da Vinci $499 3D printer goes on sale
XYZprinting today unveiled details of its 3D desktop printer line pricing and availability starting with its lowest priced model, the $499 da Vinci 1.0, which went on sale today. Read More

NSA sniffing prompts Yahoo encrypt traffic between its data centers
Yahoo said Wednesday it was encrypting traffic flowing between its data centers, several months after leaked documents revealed the government had been sniffing those links. Read More

Juniper to cut more than 500 jobs, close facilities
Juniper Networks will lay off about 6% of its workforce and back out of application delivery controllers as part of a restructuring intended to cut costs and focus the company on markets where it can grow fast. Read More

WHITE PAPER: CenturyLink
The Business Case for the Enterprise Cloud
This article aims to explore the business case for the enterprise cloud, focusing on public cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). The discussion will examine the business differences between enterprise and commodity cloud IaaS. Topics to be covered include infrastructure services and support, automation, management, and application services. Learn More

Testing life on Mars, but here on Earth
A six-astronaut crew has begun a four-month "mission" in remote area of Hawaii to investigate how they would interact and survive long-duration space exploration, such as a trip to Mars. Read More

Microsoft signals strategy shift at Build conference
  Instead of relegating desktops to a lower priority while pursuing the mobile device market, Microsoft will integrate its PC dominance into its current core strategy to become a devices and services company, opening keynotes at the company's 2014 Build developer conference suggest. Read More

Canonical to close Ubuntu One cloud-storage service
  Canonical is shutting down its Ubuntu One cloud-storage service rather than continue to go up against competitors such as Dropbox, Google Drive and EMC Syncplicity. Read More

Supreme Court could use Alice case to limit software patents
A case before the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this week could have a huge impact on business-method and software patents, with some experts concerned that the court could put significant limits on what can be patented. Read More

Mainframe at 50: A look back at a transformative computing triumph
IBM's System/360 was a computing system that not only transformed the company that developed it, but the computer industry as a whole. Follow reporter Melissa Aparicio on Twitter @MelisAparicio Read More

Darlene Storm: Hardcoded Miracast password means anyone can remotely control Philips smart TVs
When it comes to security, "smart" as in smart TV is like an oxymoron. This time Philips hard-coded the default password, which is an uninspired 'Miracast,' into the Miracast wireless network. In a nutshell, that means anyone within range could connect to the TV remotely to carry out everything from mischievous to devious acts. Revuln researchers suspect all 2013 Philips smart TVs, due to the firmware version, are at risk. Read More

Richi Jennings: Amazon Fire TV is on FIRE
Hello, computer? (NASDAQ:AMZN) wants its own little slice of your living room. Released now, the new $99 Amazon Fire TV set-top box is faster than its competitors. Plus you can talk to it, via the remote, in case you feel the need for a cheap Scotty gag. There's loads of content, some games, and there'll be developer hooks, too. Shame about the unfortunate domain name, though. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers save the whales. Read More


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This free, 17-page magazine-style report is available now. [Registration required]

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 5:59 AM Kategori:


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