Obama to meet tech leaders on Healthcare.gov site, surveillance | Pensioners sue IBM over reported NSA involvement | |||||||||
Government IT | |||||||||
| Former Microsoft exec to head HealthCare.gov effort WHITE PAPER: Salesforce.com The Future of Sales Performance Management Learn how the future of sales performance management is integrated with CRM and social collaboration and how this will help managers provide real-time coaching and motivation in context to drive better sales behaviors and, ultimately, better sales results. Download now. Read now! In this Issue WHITE PAPER: Exablox Taneja Group Solution Brief: High-End Storage For Everyone Learn what SMB and departmental storage buyers should both require and expect from storage solutions to meet their business goals, and how traditional mid- market storage based on old technologies can fall short. Read now! Obama to meet tech leaders on Healthcare.gov site, surveillance Pensioners sue IBM over reported NSA involvement WHITE PAPER: Nasuni Corp Integrated Storage - A Comparison of Nasuni vs. StorSimple In recent years several vendors have entered the cloud storage market offering data storage solutions leveraging the capabilities of the cloud to deliver an enterprise-ready solution. This document compares two solutions that deliver enterprise cloud-integrated storage using two distinct approaches. Learn More Richi Jennings: Killer robots: Another moonshot for Google's Andy Rubin Security concerns about HealthCare.gov are overblown, Democrats say | | |||||||
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