Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Skytap unveils templates that simplify adoption of Hadoop

  NuoDB launches cloud-friendly database | Oracle to release 86 security patches, 18 for MySQL
  Computerworld Data Management

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Skytap unveils templates that simplify adoption of Hadoop
To simplify the roll-out of clusters for big data applications, Skytap is now offering pre-configured Cloudera Hadoop templates that can run in its public cloud. Read More

WHITE PAPER: HP and Intel® Xeon® processors

Advances in Deduplication Help Tame Big Data
A converged storage strategy can help companies more easily deal with the various storage challenges they face, including the increasing amounts of unstructured data they must manage. Also known as big data, unstructured data includes any data that is not in a structured database format. Read Now!

WHITE PAPER: Microsoft Corporation

Smarter Business Requires Intelligent Systems
This paper discusses the growing adoption of intelligent systems and the role Microsoft, through its Windows Embedded, Windows Azure, and other technologies, can play in developing these systems. Read Now.

NuoDB launches cloud-friendly database
Startup NuoDB is hoping to position itself as having the ideal database for the post-cloud world, now that its Cloud Data Management System is generally available. Read More

Oracle to release 86 security patches, 18 for MySQL
Oracle is preparing to release 86 patches for security vulnerabilities in a wide span of its products, including 18 for MySQL database flaws. Read More

Update: SAP ports its Business Suite to HANA
SAP's flagship Business Suite enterprise resource planning (ERP) software can now run on top of the HANA in-memory database, in a move that stands to open new frontiers of competition with the likes of Oracle, IBM and Microsoft. Read More


Data Performance At The Speed of Business
Can your infrastructure handle modern databases with speed and scalability? IT must keep up with technology as expectations rise for fast data flow and increased apps. You can stay ahead of this trend with a cloud model that features in-memory distributed databases and freedom of choice all at a lower cost. Watch Now!

Big data means big IT job opportunities -- for the right people
As companies embrace big data, they're in the market for high-level strategists and communicators. Do you have the chops to snag a big data job? Read More

How to use big data to make faster and better business decisions
Big Data is clearly a disruptive technology, but using it successfully is as much art as it is science. The key is integrating Big Data with traditional BI to create a data ecosystem that allows you to generate new insights while executing on what you already know. Read More

How to get started with Google Analytics
Analytics help you find out what brings visitors to your small business website. With that information, you can better design your site to give visitors what they are looking for -- and turn them into customers. Here's a primer on linking your site to Google Analytics and getting the most out of the data it gives you. Read More



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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 8:00 AM Kategori:


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