Thursday, January 17, 2013

New task for CIOs: Make money

  Smartphone world to get two new OS's in 2013 | Ortiz defends prosecution of Aaron Swartz
  Computerworld First Look

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New task for CIOs: Make money
As tech infiltrates every corner of the business, it's only natural that some IT departments are producing revenue-generating products and services. Insider (registration required) Read More


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Smartphone world to get two new OS's in 2013
Smartphones running Mozilla Firefox and Jolla Sailfish will launch separately in 2013 amid a crowded smartphone market. Read More

Ortiz defends prosecution of Aaron Swartz
U.S. Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz said Wednesday that prosecutors recognized that there was no evidence against Internet activist Aaron Swartz that warranted severe punishment. Read More

Cisco probes reported Linksys router flaw
DefenseCode said it discovered the firmware flaw and reported it to Cisco 'months ago.' Read More

Nokia to outsource IT functions, over 1,000 employees affected
Nokia is planning to transfer up to 820 employees to HCL Technologies and Tata Consultancy Services and lay off up to 300 people as the company reorganizes its IT organization. Read More

Eich tells how to prevent JavaScript memory leaks
The JavaScript founder details where developers can go wrong and the straightforward methods to stay on track Read More

Court lets Apple, Samsung add products to patent suit
A court in California has allowed Apple and Samsung Electronics to add recent products from both companies in a patent infringement lawsuit. Read More

Microsoft vows to improve security tools after failed evaluation
Microsoft vowed on Wednesday to improve two of its security products after both failed to pass an evaluation by a Germany security software testing organization. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Autonomy, an HP company

Data Protection in the Cloud
This paper defines cloud computing, how a private cloud benefits organizations in achieving their information governance goals, and offers best practices for secure cloud adoption. Read Now!

Facebook pushes a new model for buying servers
Facebook has proposed a new model for designing servers that it says will give businesses more choice in selecting components and a smarter way to upgrade systems when needs change, though it remains to be seen how widely its method will be adopted. Read More

Judge orders Apple, Amazon to settlement talks on App Store fight
A federal judge in California has ordered Apple and to sit down and attempt to settle a lawsuit between them over Amazon's use of the "Appstore" name for its online application marketplace. Read More

Intel preps thin fiber optics to shuffle data between computers
Intel is taking the first steps to implement thin fiber optics that will use lasers and light as a faster way to move data inside computers, replacing the older and slower electrical wiring technology found in most computers today. Read More

New smartphone OSes bet on Web tech and UIs to succeed
In the next 12 months, smartphones with five new operating systems are scheduled to go on sale, leaning on Web technologies and improved user interfaces to try and make a dent in the dominance of Apple's iOS and Google's Android. Read More

ARM suppliers join Facebook Open Compute Project
Facebook's Open Compute Project is being expanded to incorporate ARM processors, providing new options for companies shopping for low-cost hardware to build out cloud computing environments. Read More

Oracle trying to quell certification exam voucher fraud
Oracle is cracking down on the use of counterfeit vouchers for its certification examinations, a move that could have significant implications for the unwitting as well as willful violators. Read More

Richi Jennings: Office 2013 pricing: Huge increases leaked
The next Office release date is close at hand. Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) is going to make the subscription model a no-brainer this time. But beware: The leaked Office 2013 pricing makes it seem that you'll pay a lot more with the subscription model than buying the traditional, packaged software—as much as four times more! In IT Blogwatch, bloggers fire up their calculators (and wonder if it's time to switch to LibreOffice). Read More



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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 5:00 AM Kategori:


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