Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Experts unsure whether Iran is behind bank DDoS attacks

  Bank of America CIO Says Simplification and Risk Reduction Are Keys to IT Success | Botnets for hire likely attacked U.S. banks
  Financial IT

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Experts unsure whether Iran is behind bank DDoS attacks
Though U.S. officials blamed Iran for an ongoing stream of distributed denial of service attacks against major U.S. banks, security experts say there's not enough evidence yet to assign blame. Read More


Enterprise Collaboration is Mobile Collaboration
In a mobile-centric world, IT has a new challenge on its hands: ensuring that users can access and collaborate on content anytime, anywhere an on any device. Here are the top five challenges, and how to overcome them. Read Now!


Network Monitoring and Troubleshooting for Dummies
The Network Monitoring and Troubleshooting for Dummies Book introduces you to common network performance management (NPM) issues and give you a new way of looking at solving them. This perspective allows you to see your network from your users' point of view, namely, the services and applications they use and their experience with them. Learn More

Bank of America CIO Says Simplification and Risk Reduction Are Keys to IT Success
Catherine Bessant's journey to the CIO role at Bank of America wasn't your standard ascent through the ranks of IT. Bessant, now Global Technology and Operations Executive, leads a team of more than 100,000 employees and contractors who handle all technology and operations for the giant financial institution. But prior to tackling IT, Bessant was president of Global Corporate Banking, Global Treasury Services and the Global Product Solutions groups. She's also served as chief marketing officer for the bank. Read More


VMware Virtualization Accelerator Service
Virtualizing your infrastructure for business-critical applications can significantly transform your business. The right services portfolio provides the critical path to this journey. View Now!

Botnets for hire likely attacked U.S. banks
Evidence collected from a website that was recently used to flood U.S. banks with junk traffic suggests that the people behind the ongoing DDoS attack campaign against U.S. financial institutions -- thought by some to be the work of Iran -- are using botnets for hire. Read More


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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 7:21 AM Kategori:


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