Monday, May 7, 2012

Open-source cloud frameworks: A work in progress

  Tablets will be preferred computing devices by 2016 | IBM is on the path to cut its internal apps by 85%
  Computerworld This Week

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Open-source cloud frameworks: A work in progress
Here's a look at the growing list of open-source platform-as-a-service providers and how IT managers can decide where the technology fits best in their organizations. Read More


Maximize Mobile Choices for Employees
Is a tidal wave of consumer mobile devices flooding your workplace? You're not alone. Most IT professionals are under pressure from mobile professionals, who have a strong preference for Bring Your Own Device or BYOD. Rather than fight the growing tide, smart IT is looking for ways to give employees greater mobility, while minimizing risk and cost. Click to continue

In this Issue


IT Roadmap Denver – 6/20 Register Now!
IT Roadmap is the one day, cost free, professional-level conference and expo that's full of job-ready solutions you can put to work now. IT Roadmap surrounds you with technology's most-followed analysts and the industry's most-innovative solution providers, all focused entirely on building the roadmap you need in crucial areas of enterprise IT. Click to continue

Tablets will be preferred computing devices by 2016
Tablets will become most users' main computing devices within the next four years, Forrester Research analyst Frank Gillett has predicted. Read More

IBM is on the path to cut its internal apps by 85%
IBM has reduced its number of internal applications by 70%, but that's not enough for CIO Jeanette Horan. Read More

Going wireless in the data center
Bouncing information around a data center, via 60GHz Wi-Fi, can speed things up by 30% compared to using traditional cables, a group of researchers found. The technique is still being perfected, but it could yield an interesting approach for enterprises in the not-too-distant future. Read More

Google raises bug bounties to $20,000
Google has dramatically raised the bounties it pays independent researchers for reporting bugs in its core websites, services and online applications. Read More

Most Oracle users prefer Fusion in the cloud
Most of the 250 customers that have licensed Oracle's recently-launched Fusion Applications to date have chosen a hosted deployment model, according to a senior executive at the software vendor. Read More

Intel's first Ivy Bridge chips emerge
The first batch of Intel processors based on Intel's Ivy Bridge microarchitecture -- 13 quad-core chips designed to run high-end desktop and laptop computers -- were finally unveiled late last month. Insider (registration required) Read More

The Grill: Arthur Langer turns the IT education model on its head
Arthur M. Langer, chairman and founder of Workforce Opportunity Services, describes the outsourcing model his nonprofit organization uses to train and match up economically disadvantaged youth with hard-to-fill positions in IT. Read More

WEBCAST: Redwood Systems

Improve Data Center Efficiency
Live Date/Time: May 02, 2012 at 11:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time IT managers are under pressure to improve efficiency in their data centers. Please join Redwood Systems, CommScope and MegaWatt Consulting to learn how building-performance lighting and intelligent infrastructure can be key contributors to your data center efficiency. Register Now

Preston Gralla: Windows 8 tablets in the enterprise: A disaster in the making
Microsoft has revealed that Windows 8 tablets powered by ARM chips will be no easier to manage in the enterprise than iPads are. Read More

Open source enables high-volume searches
With the explosion of unstructured data, companies are looking for more options for enterprise search. Here's a look at the benefits and limitations of open-source search-enabled applications. Read More

Prioritizing tech projects: How managers make a short list of long demands
IT is under pressure to get more agile in its delivery methods and pursue flexible prioritization strategies to work with, not against, the burgeoning needs of the business. Read More

Security Manager's Journal: Security concerns for a data center in the cloud
When the company data center moves to various cloud configurations, the provisioning of servers will need to be addressed. Read More

Thornton May: IT needs to aspire and really make a difference
IT leaders deploying today's transformational technologies can do so resignedly or aspirationally. Only one approach can really make a difference for the business. Read More

Career Watch: Companies expect to do more IT staff hiring in short term
Also in this issue, advice on jump-starting a young career. Read More

Bart Perkins: U.S. appeals court has compromised software rights
This ruling is disastrous for any company that has developed software for internal use. Read More



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Having the whole story helps

This IT boss pilot fish works for a small company, and his boss likes to keep certain problems inside the family -- such as his smartphone, for which he refuses to call the vendor when there are problems.


Omissions from the feature set of Windows RT are leaving analysts increasingly skeptical that enterprises will gravitate toward tablets running the new forked version of Windows. Is Windows RT on tablets DOA because it lacks needed enterprise features?


A majority of IT workers say they're under pressure to increase productivity and take on new tasks. But the vast majority are still happy they picked IT as their career.

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 10:08 AM Kategori:


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