Monday, May 7, 2012

HTC Droid Incredible coming to Verizon 4G LTE

  AT&T launches Samsung Focus 2 for $50 | AT&T trials of wireless home automation service start this summer
  Computerworld Mobile/Wireless Computing

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HTC Droid Incredible coming to Verizon 4G LTE
HTC and Verizon Wireless announced that the Droid Incredible 4G LTE smartphone will go on sale 'in the coming weeks.' Read More


IBM DB2 Express-C and Data Studio Software
Download the free IBM DB2 Express-C community edition, which can be used in production or development and can be embedded or distributed. Then, download Data Studio, an integrated administration environment fthat also includes tools for DB2, Informix, Oracle, and Sybase. Learn More


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AT&T launches Samsung Focus 2 for $50
AT&T on Monday announced another low-priced Windows Phone, the $49.99 Samsung Focus 2, which will run on 4G LTE and will go on sale May 20. Read More

AT&T trials of wireless home automation service start this summer
AT&T plans to begin trials of a home automation and security service in Atlanta and Dallas this summer. Read More

Preston Gralla: Windows 8 tablets in the enterprise: A disaster in the making
Microsoft has revealed that Windows 8 tablets powered by ARM chips will be no easier to manage in the enterprise than iPads are. Read More

Tablets will be preferred computing devices by 2016
Tablets will become most users' main computing devices within the next four years, Forrester Research analyst Frank Gillett predicts. Read More

Jonny Evans: Apple's iPhone 5 release date: Q3 launch?
Apple iPhone 5 speculation climbs yet another notch on reports the company has begun winding down display orders for its existing model, making a third quarter iPhone 5 launch even more likely. Read More

iPad share of tablet market jumps as Kindle Fire slumps
Apple's iPad reclaimed a larger share of the global tablet market last month, in part because of a more-serious-than-expected slump in sales of the hot Kindle Fire in the first quarter, IDC analysts said. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Ping Identity

Simple Cloud Identity Management (SCIM)
The Simple Cloud Identity Management (SCIM) specification defines a simple, RESTful protocol for identity account management operations. Learn More!

Samsung launches Galaxy S III with voice and face recognition
Samsung on Thursday unveiled a larger Galaxy S III smartphone in London, and said the phone would be sold in the U.S. this summer after launching in Europe on May 29. Read More

Mobile experts disagree on who should protect privacy
Users of mobile apps need more information about the ways those apps use their personal information, a group of experts agreed, but they didn't agree on who is most responsible for protecting user privacy. Read More

IT shops sifting RIM's bold promises and plans
Research in Motion executives practiced staying "on message" at BlackBerry World, repeating a series of mantras about the company's directions and product plans. Yet the simple message is running into the hard practicalities of enterprise IT customers, and they want details and nuance. Read More

Nook deal lets Microsoft integrate e-bookstore with its software, services
Barnes & Noble will distribute its free Nook Metro app through Microsoft's Windows Store, putting to rest talk of Microsoft embedding the program in Windows 8. Read More

12 cool, creative and just plain weird gadget concepts
Take a gander at a dozen delightful concept designs for tomorrow's smartphones, laptops, gaming devices and more. Read More

Handset vendors face 'brutal fight' for China's low-end smartphone market
As China leads the world in smartphone shipments, top handset vendors are raising their stakes in the nation, and will likely bring more exclusive products and lower-end devices to the market, resulting in fierce competition, according to analysts. Read More



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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 10:11 AM Kategori:


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