Thursday, December 15, 2011

Verizon Galaxy Nexus release date officially confirmed

  JR Raphael: Verizon Galaxy Nexus release date officially confirmed (for real!) | Preston Gralla: Microsoft's Steve Ballmer is rated third-worst tech company CEO
  Computerworld Blogs

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IT Blogwatch: Carrier IQ humbled, grilled by Feds
Carrier IQ has been interviewed by the FCC and FTC in the ongoing row over smartphone privacy (or lack of it). The company says it wishes it could turn back time and handle things differently. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers scoff and mock. Not to mention: A is for Aardvark ... Read More

RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: Google Apps for business

Consider this before you set your 2012 IT strategy
A communication and collaboration solution that's easy to deploy and maintain. A productivity solution that meets your needs now and automatically gets better over time—built with security in mind. A simple licensing model that is cost-effective and predictable. Google Apps offers simple, powerful tools for any business. Start the conversation.


Quickly Deliver Business Data to iPads and iPhones
Challenged by the explosion of iPad and iPhone users expecting access to corporate data? FileMaker, a subsidiary of Apple, offers a middleware bridge that helps developers quickly provide on-demand access to corporate data in formatted reports and charts while giving IT the control it needs to manage and secure mobile data delivery. Read now!

JR Raphael: Verizon Galaxy Nexus release date officially confirmed (for real!)
After weeks of silence and countless rumors, Verizon Wireless has finally announced a release date for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Read More

Preston Gralla: Microsoft's Steve Ballmer is rated third-worst tech company CEO
The criticism of Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer just doesn't let up. He's just been rated the third worst CEO of more than 50 major tech companies by the site Those ratings are based on what employees think of their CEOs, so there's clearly dissension in the Microsoft ranks. Read More

Jonny Evans: Apple's Brazil-made iPhone S and iTunes to drive a new growth story
Confirming the importance of Latin America as a key element to Apple [AAPL] and its future growth strategy, this week's launch of iTunes services in Brazil and 15 additional Latin American countries is significant and timed precisely to match the introduction of 'Made in Brazil' iPhones on Friday (December 16). Read More

WHITE PAPER: Adobe Government at Carahsoft

Adobe ColdFusion 9 Server Lockdown Guide
This guide describes how server administrators can improve the security of their ColdFusion server. Learn more

Richi Jennings: Security in 2012: Let's start at the endpoint
What security trends should we look out for in 2012? How should organizations protect against new breeds of threat? Here are my thoughts about endpoint protection trends, in The Long View... INSIDER (free registration requested) Read More

Josh Stephens: Managing the influx of wireless devices around the holidays
At home you have a little more control over whether or not to allow guests and their new, Random Array of Personal Wireless Devices (RAPWD -- yeah, I just made that up) to access your 802.11 network. Personally, when I'm visiting someone and they won't allow me to access their wireless network I consider it on par with not allowing me to access their bathroom. Read More

Darlene Storm: NFC mobile threats on the horizon: What happens when we wave our wallets to pay?
There are 35 million NFC-enabled mobile phones in the world and mobile payments are predicted to reach $630 billion by 2014, making the mobile wallet a tempting target to attack. While the Google Wallet app is growing in popularity, it failed a security test. Researchers launched a successful 'software-only' relay attack on NFC mobile phones. As the USA embraces mobile payments, wave your phone as your wallet, we are no doubt just beginning to see exploit methods and attacks on NFC-enabled devices. Read More

Shark Tank: Does anybody really know what time it is?
Sixty engineers have worked on this highly secret system for a year with exactly two weeks to execute an experiment using three cesium clocks to synchronize down to a microsecond between three ships at sea. What could go wrong with that? Read More



Computerworld's 2012 Salary Survey: What's your earning power? How does your salary compare with your peers? Computerworld's 26th Annual Salary Survey will feature the latest IT salary trends and advice on where to find the best-paying jobs. This year's survey participants can enter a drawing to win 1 of 3 new 16GB Apple iPad 2s with Wi-Fi! The sweepstakes is open to legal U.S. residents, age 18 or older, until Dec. 17, 2011.


Is your IT department a great place to work? Our 18th annual "Best Places to Work in IT" special report and listing will honor 100 organizations that offer great benefits, salaries and opportunities for training and advancement, as well as interesting projects and a flexible and diverse work environment. Nominate a company now through Dec. 15, 2011.


The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board has recommended that states outlaw the use of all electronic devices while driving. Should the use of personal electronic devices be banned while driving?

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Ditulis Oleh : Angelisa Vivian Hari: 7:14 AM Kategori:


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